Chapter 4 - First days

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TWs: Fainting, Swearing, slight ED, let me know if I forgot any

Techno POV:

I could tell by the way Tommy was staring at his food during dinner, something was up, he was completely disconnect from the world until Phil piped up and asked if there was something wrong with the food, he obviously denied stating that "I'm just not hungry" just a load of bs if you ask me, he must've noticed me looking at him because we made eye contact for a brief moment before he looked away and excused himself, he washed his dishes (which no one ever does until being annoyed enough to do) and went up to his room.

I finished quickly after him and excused myself, I hung out in my room for a bit then decided to go check up on Tommy considering he looked scared out of his mind during dinner.

I silently made my way over to his room from mine, not that there was any need to be silent, it's just how I am.

When I arrived I saw Tommy doing what appeared to be cleaning? It made no sense to me since the room was already completely clean but hey, if he doesn't question me I won't question him.

Next he moved to his bed and started doing something in a notebook, this is when I decided to make my enterance

He didn't notice me and continued doing whatever it was for a little bit then WENT BACK TO CLEANING what the hell. Then he started pacing near his desk.

"You should probably stop pacing, you might get dizzy." I commented, scaring Tommy out of his skin and he fell backwards as he turned to look at me. I ran forwards and caught him but not after he hit his head on his chair and passed out.

"Phil!" I called, not knowing what to do as I set Tommy on his bed. Phil was at the door in a few seconds and saw Tommy passed out.

"What? He appears to be sleeping." Phil questioned, confused as he moved near us.

"He was pacing and I made a comment, apparently he hafnt noticed me because it scared him half to death and he fell and hit his head on the chair." I explained.

"Oh," Phil said, "he should be fine, just let him rest."

"Alright." I said as I made my way out of the room with Phil and headed off to my own.

Once I arrived in my room I picked up Sun Zu The Art of War and continued were I had left off. It was near 3 am when Phil came in and told me to go to bed.

Tommy POV:

I woke up not realizing where I was, then remembered last night.

"Holy shit they're going to be so mad at me. Not only did I not eat the food, I must have scared Techno to death when I fell, not that he would care if I was hurt but it probably surprised him."

I looked at the time and it appeared to be 9am. I figured everyone else was up already, but I didn't want to face them or just deal with people. So I opted to stay in my temporary room and write instead.

I am in the middle of so many amazing stories including one where a boy who streams meets up with his friends on Halloween and has a ton of angsty stuff happen to him and his friends are becoming suspicious but who knows if they'll ever find out, and who knows what will happen when he when he gets home to his abusive father.

What's the main characters name you may ask? While it's... Timmy... Timmy ain't it.

*cough(Totally not me plugging my own story, which a new chapter should be out soon on)*cough

Eventually Wilbur popped in and yelled "He's awake." Scaring the living shit out of me.

"What is it with this family and not knocking." I mumbled under my breath and Wilbur walked over and I set my notebook down.

"You feeling alright?" He questioned me. I simply nodded not feeling like giving a verbal response.

"That's good, you wanna come down and get some lunch?" Wilbur asked.

"Sure." I responded, remembering what happens when I give more than one non verbal response.

I followed Wilbur out of my temporary room and down the stairs where Phil and Techno were on the couch watching TV. It came to a scene and Phil immediately turned it off. I chuckled a bit, but no one seemed to notice with Wilbur standing next to me laughing like crazy.

"Shh Wilbur, You hungry Tommy?" Phil asked.

I nodded and followed him to the kitchen where he grabbed a bowl of fruit and put it infront of me. I knew I had to eat so I took the apple figuring it was the best option

"Anyone up for a movie?" Techno questioned everyone.

The response was a chours or nodding and yeses, ro ve hottest I really didn't want to but I just followed suite.

"Any requests?" Phil asked this time.

"HAMILTION!!!!!" Wilbur immediately screamed, causing me to flinch super hard. "Sorry." He added after he realized, I smiled at him, weakly, letting him know it was fine.

"How about we watch (insert movie here)" instead?" Texhno added. Everyone saud sure in response.

Tommy was on the opposite side of the couch as the rest of the family when the movie began, but by the end he had somehow ended up lying across his brothers, cuddling into them, while sleeping peacefully.

They watched movies until it was nearly midnight and Phil decided to head to bed and took his sons with him whispering a quick "goodnight" as he tucked everyone in.


965 words

I finished, sorry it's out so late intobthe day, I was busy with school coming back from break. I had a test the first day back like wtf, but anyways I hope you enjoyed the little bit of fluff because there's gonna be some angst next chapter.

Remember to eat, drink, and sleep.

Until next week,

PLATONIC LOVE HEARTS 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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