2:7 It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough

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It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon Enough
Part 1

It Will All Be Painfully Clear Soon EnoughPart 1————

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Now the feeling of Landon being mad at you and never going to talk to Rafael again had broken your heart. You rested your head back into your hand, tears falling from your eyes and down your cheeks.

You held back a sob as you covered your mouth, also wiping your tears that fell. You closed your eyes as you wanted to stop the tears but couldn't. You took in some breathes and calmed yourself down. You watched as everyone was happy and with their family while you were there alone, with no family. "Kate?" You heard someone call out.

You looked behind yourself to see Elena and Damon. Ric had told you a lot about them and when he was telling you, you felt as if you had known them for a long time. "Elena? Damon?" You voice broke.

Limiting yourself up, you immediately went straight to them, both of them coming towards you. The three of you going into a hug, a hug you never wanted to leave. You three just stayed there, hugging as you cried, sad about Landon and Rafael but also tears of joy because you felt whole, like they were your parents comforting you, only they weren't your parents.


You were sat on the seat near the Malivore portal as you held the prism, your mind still thinking about Rafael and Landon. You watched as light shined next to you from the prism and just then Landon emerged. He smiled at you while you smiled at him.

It was interrupted when Lizzie, Josie and Hope walked up. "Reporting for Portal duty!" Lizzie exclaimed, doing an army salute. "I brought backup." Lizzie stated.

It wasn't that noticeable, but tears had formed in your eyes. You made eye contact with Hope and she knew you were feeling under the weather so she sat down and brought you in for a hug, allowing a few tears to escape your eyes without the twins seeing how broken you felt.

You quickly wiped the tears that fell, you and Hope moving over so Lizzie and Josie could sit down. "So, this is nice, right? Together again." Lizzie tried lightening the mood.

Hope looked over at Lizzie, shaking her head slightly. "It's great." You stated in a soft, monotone voice.

Josie stayed quiet for a little bit. "It's awesome." She said.

Lizzie looked between you and Josie. "I mean, for the two of you not to be talking to each other just because Josie thought mop-head had a crush on you and you just wanting to protect the garden gnome, I think we're more evolved than that as women." Lizzie continued speaking.

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