Part 6

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We ran down the stairs of the building as we headed to where we were instructed to go. 

"Where are these aliens?" I hear someone muttering next to me. 

"Do you really want to find out?" I growl back. They scowl at me but I race ahead. 

"What's the plan?" I ask Dan who was leading the group.

"We have to find a bunch of scientists before they rain hell down on us."

"What the hell do you mean by that?"

"They are bombing the city in less than ten minutes."


"I'd say watch your language but I'm probably gonna say some pretty nasty stuff in this next week." Dan said and I bite back a smirk. 

We run down and out heading for the lab. 

"Holy shit," I say, covering my mouth as I see the dead bodies littering the ground around the building. I bite back a sob when I see my friend Tiana's mother along the bodies. She didn't deserve this, none of them did. 

I almost missed the signal as we started for the lab. We crept through the streets and just as I caught up with Dan, Dorian yanks him aside.

"You're wasting your time trying to teach them to be soldiers," Dorian tells him.

"I'm not. I'm trying to keep them alive," Dan replies.

Dorian just scoffs and he digs some ammo out of a dead guy's pouch. 

"If you try to save them, you're gonna get eaten," Dorian shoots back.

He runs ahead but I quickly take his spot next to Dan.

"Eat us? Did he just say eat us?" I gasp.

"What did you think they did? Drag us off to a tea party?"

"No of course not. Just didn't think they ate our remains."

Minutes later we arrive at the lab only to find no survivors. Dan sees the dead hanging from the ceiling before radioing back to mission control.

"We found your team."

"That's fucked up," I hear Charlie whisper.

"Watch your language there are children present." I get two reactions from that statement. A scoff from Dan and a "You're a child!?!" from Charlie. I turn and look at him and his face is a mixture of shock and jure confusion. 

"They sent a kid to war!?!" Charlie said.

"My mom has cancer and my sister is four so I was the only person in my family who could go so yes, they sent a kid to the war."

"Okay Dan, I need you to take your team and proceed to lab 7, there you will find freezers and one of them contains the blue ampoules we need," control radioed through the earpieces. 

"Got it. You two, stay here and watch," he pointed at a slender woman and a man who was twice Dan's size.

"U-us?" he said nervously.

"Yeah, are you deaf?" Dorian growled at them before brushing ahead towards what I presumed to be lab 7.

Everyone else follows but I stay behind for a sec. 

"You guys gonna be okay?" I ask.

"I am freaking out!" big guy, Cowen I think they said his name was, hissed. "I am always attracting mosquitos and other bugs."

"And what does that have to do with them?" the woman countered.

"They are attracted to me."

"Do you guys want me to stay here with you or-," I start but the woman quickly shushes me.

The Tomorrow War {Dan forester}Where stories live. Discover now