Part 9

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"R-7. Try R-7," Muri says and she grabs the plastic off the scanner. 

I run over to the vials, Dan in hot pursuit behind me. I start on one container while he roots through the other. 

"R-7." Dan said, holding up a vial. Muri took it from him, examining it. All of a sudden, I heard a noise. 

I slowly turned around just as the female started thrashing around, growling and screaming louder than a siren.  All three of us rushed to cover our ears, the noise being almost painful to our eardrums.

"Shit!," I yelled as I saw a bolt get yanked from the wall. 

Alarms were blaring all around us. I felt the walkie talkie buzz as the P.A. system came on. 

"INCOMING! INCOMING!," somebody yelled over it. I looked up at the screen to see hundreds of Whitespikes approaching the base. "THEY BREACHED THE PERIMETER! THEY'VE SURROUNDED US! LISTEN TO ME. THEY'RE DESTROYING THE PERIMETER DEFENSE!"

 The Whitespikes had reached the wall as I heard Dan say, "They're coming for her."

I ran over and looked out the window to see helicopters shooting them down off the wall.  

"We need to get out of here! NOW!," I scream. That seems to break Muri out of whatever trance she was in.

"We need to get this to safety right now," she said, holding up the vile.

"We have to kill her!" Dan yells.

"No! This is all the toxin we have and we cannot waste it so move!" Muri responds. She rushes out with Dan and I hot on her tail. 

"Eight minutes to jump," the loudspeaker announced. 

"I need you two to do exactly what I say, when I say it, how I say it. Do you understand." Muri commanded as she pulled the guns off the wall and handed them to us. 

"Yes ma'am!" I say, swinging the gun strap onto my shoulder.

"You two are our mission now. I have to protect you. You have to make it back." 

"But what about you?" Dan asked. 

She looked at him for a second before rushing off. 

"We have to get to the chopper. You two can make the jump from the air." 

Muri pulled out her  Walkie Talkie and said "Greenwood, I'm taking Dan and Emily to Viper one."

"I'll hold them off for as long as I can." the communicator unit responded.

Muri shoved open the door and we sprinted outside and down the catwalks, towards the helicopter on the landing pad.  There were gunshots all around us, ricocheting off the metal. I heard one especially close before I felt a bullet go through my arm and I fell to the ground. 

"SHIT!" I screamed, clutching my spasming arm. Dan glanced behind him before doing a one-eighty and coming rushing back to me. Muri noticed and came bolting back.

"What happened?" she said, frantically. 

"I think a bullet caught me in the bicep." I clenched my jaw to keep from screaming. She pulled my hand away and saw the obvious gunshot wound in my arm.  

"We have to keep moving," she said. 

"I am not leaving Emily behind." Dan growled as he grabbed a patch of cloth from his pocket and pulled it tight over the wound. I screeched and bit my lip hard as he tied the knot. 

"You think you can keep moving?" he asked. 

"Yeah, not like I was shot in the leg." I responded. He helped me up as we kept moving towards the heli. 

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