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The bright ceiling fixtures illuminated the bar in a warm glow and invited in any and all who sought a comfortable place to stop. Regulars and locals, still wearing their day jobs, slipped into their usual corners as weary business travelers, dressed in smart suits, elegant shoes, and tired eyes filled the remaining empty spaces. They congregated around those tall stools, their soft conversations weaving together as they casually sipped their drinks.


Just beyond, the bright light tapered off into long, quiet shadows disturbed only by dimly lit table lamps.

Tonight, three men sat together at one of those dark tables, their untouched glasses sweated even in the cool air. They were an impressive sight; tall, even when sitting down, broad and muscled. Each possessed a calm confidence and wore it easily across their shoulders, sending a subtle message they could hold their own.

No one gave them a second glance but that's what they needed for the conversation they were about to have. The brown haired Fae ran a thumb down the side of his cool drink and watched with rapt attention as the condensation disappeared. His dark hair matched his brown eyes and they seemed to highlight his tanned skin and square, chiseled features. He was a man of many roles and responsibilities. A simple glance at his low, tired shoulders betrayed the burdens resting deep within his heart.

Without looking up, he spoke first. "We'll give her five more minutes."

The man sitting across the table leaned back in his chair, rolled his eyes, and snickered. As he shifted, his light brown hair appeared golden as it reflected the dim lighting and his soft green eyes sparkled with amusement.

"Lex, she's always late. Don't sound so bothered." He chuckled once more and crossed his muscled arms against his chest.

Lex lifted his eyes and met Nic's playful gaze. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it just as quickly when the sound of the bar door opening caught his ears.

Soft footsteps made their way across the room and Lex looked at Nic once more, but this time with curiosity. The smile on Nic's face widened until it reached his eyes, making them dance in unconcealed amusement.

"Relax. It's her."

They settled into the cushions of the booth and listened to the approaching footfalls. When they stopped, three sets of eyes glanced up as one, meeting a pair of hazel ones that shined with mischief. Her petite stature, short light brown hair, and sweet looking face gave the impression she was more helpless and much younger than she appeared.

Nic spoke, his smile matching the one plastered on her face. "Abbey, nice of you to show up."

Her smile stretched even further as her eyes flashed blue, revealing the power of her witch. 

"Not here!" Lex's words leapt off his tongue in a harsh whisper as he scanned the room, looking for anyone who might have glanced in their direction.

Abbey rolled her eyes and met Lex's annoyed stare before speaking. "Lex, calm down, there's no one here. Now move over and let's get on with this emergency meeting of yours."

After some shuffling and movement, all eyes turned to Lex and, without any preamble, he started. "Evan shifted for the first time."

All eyes widened and bodies tensed as low murmurs, ranging from surprise to acknowledgment, raced through the group. Nic was the first to recover. "When did it happen?"

"Just over the weekend. It was in front of his parents on their hiking trip."

No one said a thing and the silence settled once more as each of them sank into their own thoughts.

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