6: The Dragon

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A slow, controlled breath left Evan's lips as the echo of his footsteps scattered through the gentle evening air. He took in another deep lungful and steadily let it out, but it did nothing to ease the tight, ever growing knot. The apprehension and exchanged words behind the bar were thick and painful, squeezing his heart and weighing him down.

Pausing at the mouth of the alleyway, he observed the varied levels of anticipation, happiness, and relief that wove and mingled with the bustling crowd. It felt like the end of the week and, despite everything, he could feel a small smile slip across his features. There was nothing like an approaching weekend, full of promises of adventure, parties, and leisure, to put everyone in a good mood.

A warm, late summer breeze whispered across his cheek and played with the ends of his long hair. He knew it was an invitation to join her, to let go and enjoy the night, as a normal person would.


Regret and sorrow twisted his stomach. He knew he had to refuse her once more.

Maybe another time.

A second whisper and she was gone, leaving an odd hollow sensation behind.

Evan took another slow breath but the tense, anxious knot held fast. He still felt it. He still felt that ... something trying to drag him back into the alley, back into that conversation. But he didn't... he couldn't... not after everything ... not after all this time.

But what if they had answers? He-

A sudden burning sensation swept down his back and fanned out through the rest of him, firmly bringing him back to the present. This was it; there would be no holding his dragon back. He rolled his shoulders as the heat dissipated and prepared for the inevitable.

It was time to go.

Evan stretched out his senses and found a mass of people walking perpendicular to the sidewalk just to his left. Sensing the crowd was beginning to thin, he stuffed his hands in his pocket, listened for car movement, and quickly joined the last of the groups crossing the street. Even in his haste, he made a point to keep his person away from others.

He found the other side, navigated the elevated curb, and followed the absence of noise he knew would lead him to the quieter, less visited residential streets and to the wooded area beyond. The burn ignited and grew swiftly, washing through him, causing his whole body to slow and stiffen as he braced against the building discomfort. As the pain eased, a sudden surge of heat and power exploded and spread through him. He picked up the pace. Time was ticking and, just as it had earlier, his shift was moving at a much faster pace. He tried to focus, but his mind wandered regardless.

Who were those people? Did they know about him? How could they? Who else knew? What did this mean?

His curiosity began to scale those protective barriers he built so many years ago. It rose higher and higher and for a moment he considered letting it break free. Closer and closer it inched, and he could almost feel the light, airy texture of freedom and relief on his tongue. It was waiting for him right there on the other side.

Then, as they always did, his memories rushed forward and covered him like a tsunami finally reaching the shoreline. The long, cruel tendrils of panic tightened around his stomach and slithered their way into his lungs leaving him desperate for any air he could pull into his chest. Squeezing his eyes shut, Evan struggled to take slow, deep breaths, forcing himself to push through yet another episode.

He stomped down his ever-persistent curiosity. It was safer that way.

Evan could feel his legs begin to shake and the sweat start to roll down the back of his neck as a third wave of heat rippled through him. He had to keep going. Pushing his body harder, he willed one foot in front of the other and prayed he would make it. It wasn't far. He could feel the cooler space of the trees just ahead.

Just a little further.

Even before the last wave of heat subsided, another one swept through him and he stumbled across the tree line, wildly grabbing for the closet object. His hands, already encased in hard, dark scales and a deadly set of talons, wrapped around what felt like a small tree trunk just as the pressure grew and expanded from the center his back. A ripping sound echoed and bounced through the quiet and Evan's massive black dragon wings broke free and stretched out 8-feet in either direction, tearing his shirt to shreds in the process.

The wind stilled and all forest chatter ceased as everything gazed upon the wonder that stumbled into their home. The only sound that broke the silence was Evan's short, labored breathing as he waited for the pain to subside.

He needed to stop doing this to himself.

That thought almost made him laugh. It was the same thought he had every time he shifted but he never bothered to change. As he caught his breath, bits of the conversation from the alley crept back to the forefront and his brief smile disappeared.

Evan's features deepened with resolution as he straightened up and tucked his wings against his back.

It didn't matter who they were. He couldn't bring more people in his life. It was too dangerous, especially after that last time. He didn't need to look in a mirror to know exactly what he was.

Evan pushed everything away, expanded his senses, enhanced now that his dragon was so close to the surface, and took off in a sprint. He could feel the advance of his scales as they slithered up his arms but he still held on to his remaining human form. He wasn't far enough away yet.

Pushing himself even harder, he ran for the large meadow that he knew was just ahead. There would be enough room there for him to shift completely.


He could feel where the trees thinned and the warmth of day still radiated from the ground, unprotected by the coolness of the woods. Evan broke out into the open space and in a moment of unrestrained joy and relief, he stretched out his wings, sank to him knees, and let go. Immediately, the burn morphed into a raging fire that consumed him as he shifted completely. Evan squeezed his eyes shut as his entire being exploded, ripped apart, and came back together again.

Then it was still once more.

For the second time that day, the whole forest froze and held its breath as it took in the power of his dragon.

Evan snapped open his eyes and basked in the brilliant onslaught of color. In his dragon form his eyesight was perfect and he reveled in the beauty that made up the early evening. The long shadows had begun to inch forward and the daytime greens and browns were just starting to fade. They would eventually sleep and the darker shades of blues, greys, purples, and blacks would wake and paint the night.

The trees that circled the clearing took shape before him and the blades of grass bent together and shared whispered conversations. A breeze came by and invited the leaves to dance, spinning and twisting them in silent choreographed moves that only they knew. Evan's large, yellow dragon eyes followed their graceful movements as they progressed around the edge of the meadow. He watched with undivided attention until they took their bows and settled to the ground.

The sounds of the night began in a slow progression as the shock wore off. Evan caught the soft pitter patter of small animals scurrying through the undergrowth. High above in the leafy canopy, the buzz of the crickets and the echoing hoot of an owl joined in, adding to the magic. It was the symphony of the night and it was always breathtaking in its simplicity.

Gently extending his black leathery wings and rising to his four large feet, he moved and stretched and flapped, eager to loosen up and ready himself for flight. With one last flap, Evan stilled and let the familiar feelings of peace and calm settle over him. This was him, pure and simple. When he was in this form, there was no reason to hide and no reason to pretend. This was freedom.

Low growls began to rumble deep within his chest and with a strong flap of his wings, he launched himself into the sky, leaving the world and all his worries below.

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