Chapter One

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"A, get your ass out of bed already; you need to get ready you're meeting the boys today!" my brother shouted from just beyond my door.

"I don't wanna meet them though," I grumbled back.

"You have to," he said walking into my room.

"Nope," I grumbled into my pillow rolling away from the light, "the light it burns."

"Well then get up and get dressed," he told me.

"Nope, I can live with the light," I grumbled while cocooning into my duvet.

"Annabelle Martha Simpson get your ass dressed and come with me to meet the boys!" he shouted.

"Nope!" I shouted back.

"I'll give you twenty pounds," he bribed.

"Oh dear brother thank you for waking me so I can get ready to meet your friends, pay up as soon as we get into the car," I smiled sitting up in my bed, with the duvet still around me.

"Of course," he laughed. I then pulled myself from my duvet and bed and into my bathroom, I quickly showered and dried my body. Once I was dry I put on my top along with my high wasted, black, skinny jeans, I paired it with my red, long sleeved checkered shirt and black boots. When I was dressed and put my still wet hair up into a pony tail before I walked downstairs where my brother was waiting for me.

"Ready?" he asked, I nodded while he led me to his car. We both jumped in and he drove me to some massive house in the middle of nowhere.

"We in Neverland yet?" I asked while smiling.

"Yeah," my brother nodded understanding what I meant. He then walked up to the front door, I stayed sitting where I was in the passenger seat. Unluckily five minutes later he came back to me and forced me into the house, as soon as I was inside I pulled my shoes off and followed my brother into a room which turned out to be a kitchen. Three other boys were all standing there, looking at me. One was about an inch taller than my brother and had a mess of blond hair upon his head, I could just see bright blue eyes peeking out from the mess of hair and staring at me; one was even taller and had dirty blond hair in a quiff thingy his upper body looked really toned; finally there was a lanky giant with a mess of blond hair upon his head and his eyes were a duller blue. After a few seconds of staring at him I ripped my eyes from him and to the floor, and I started to play with the hem of my shirt.

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