Chapter Two

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"I'm James, and this is Connor and Tristan," the dirty blond boy smiled I looked up quickly as he pointed to each of the boys, I nodded and looked back down at the ground.

"Call me Tris," Tristan stepped forward and enveloped me in a tight hug for a few seconds before he went back to his original position.

"Your name is?" James asked.

"A," I told them still looking at the ground.

"A is short for?" Tris asked.

"Annabelle," Brad said for me, I looked up at him and quickly mouthed a thank you to him before continuing to stare at the ground.

"Why'd you ask to be called A from Annabelle, most people called Annabelle like to be called Anna for short not A?" Connor asked, shyly. I just shrugged my shoulders.

"A, you wanna come with us to Thorpe Park on Saturday?" Brad asked, I shook my head no. Then we all stood in silence for about five minutes, we were interrupted by a young girl walking into the kitchen; she was about eight probably and had bright blond hair in two plaits, she was in a very pretty red dress which suited her figure perfectly.

"Hey Emily," Tris smiled at the girl.

"Who's the girl?" Emily asked nodding her head towards me.

"That's A, she's Brad's sister," he answered. Quickly, I walked over to Brad.

"When can I go home?" I whisper asked Brad straight into his ear, he chuckled.

"Not yet," He said, I pouted and lent against the near kitchen counter and started to stare at the floor again.

"What did A say?" James asked, as though I weren't there but he weren't gonna get an answer out me anyway so I just continued to stare at the floor.

"She wants to go home, but I'm not taking her home yet. Not until we are done here, which will probably in the evening," Brad smiled.

"You make me sound like a child," I muttered so only Brad could here.

"Why'd you want to go home?" Tris asked.

"She doesn't enjoy socialising," Brad answered for me. Con nodded as though he understood, he seemed shy.

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