Episode 4

380 18 38

We reach there very soon and inside. The Place was looking expensive. He straight took me to the clothing store.

Someone came and bowed to him. I think it was a staff of this mall.

LADY: Good morning young master. How can I help you?

YEONJUN: What kind of clothes do you prefer?

He asked me.

BEOMGYU: I am okay with anything as long as I am comfortable with it.

YEONJUN: Heard that right?

He commanded her. She nodded.

LADY: I will take only 5 minutes.

YEONJUN: Hurry up.

He got a phone call and went aside.

BEOMGYU: Umm excuse me.

LADY: Yes? How can I help you?

BEOMGYU: Well...If you don't mind then can I ask why are you calling him young master?

LADY: That is because he is the owner of this mall and we call him by that with respect. By the way, I am the manager here.

BEOMGYU: Oh I see.

I heard another female voice behind my back.

GIRL: Ma'am why is he suddenly getting clothes for him?

LADY: I don't know. Just do as he says.

She gave a disgusting look and squinted her eyes at me. I looked down.

YEONJUN: Is there any problem if he's my boyfriend?

I looked at him in disbelief.

GIRL: N-No young master.

LADY: I apologize on her behalf young master. Please excuse her.

He glared at her and went towards her. She started to move back as she was afraid.


GIRL: I'm----sorry young master. I-I won't r-repeat.


BEOMGYU: It-It's okay teacher...I haven't mind anything. Leave her.

He looked at me with furious eyes. I gulped hard.


He then looked at her.

YEONJUN: What are you waiting for? I told you to apologize.

She came to me and apologized politely. I was about to say "It's okay" but he didn't let me do that and spoke.

YEONJUN: Now get lost from here. I don't wanna see your face again.

She left while almost crying. I went to him. He was still angry and looking at the way she just left.

BEOMGYU: S-shall we go now?

He nodded and took the bags from the manager, we left from there.

*In the car*

BEOMGYU: Please don't be angry but you shouldn't have reacted like that.

YEONJUN: Shut up! She'll misbehave with you and I'll endure it? NO, I WON'T.

He said still looking furious. I was a bit scared to see him angry.

BEOMGYU: F-fine! Don't be angry anymore.

He sighed and started the car engine.

BEOMGYU: But where are we going now?

YEONJUN: Let's go there first then you'll see.

BEOMGYU: Ok then...

He began to drive. We reached a place. This place is alos unknown to me.

We went inside straight. The interior was so beautiful. All these places look expensive. He must be really rich or who will spend money on a middle-class boy like me? We sat as a waiter welcomed us. What a restaurant! It must be Five Star.

WAITER: Here is the menu sir. Let me know what you would like to take.

Yeonjun gave the menu to me. I was admiring the outside view.

YEONJUN: Order whatever you want.

I looked at the menu and finally found one of my favorite items.

BEOMGYU: Tteokbokki.

YEONJUN: Soju for me.

WAITER: Thank you for the order. Please wait for your order.

The waiter left after bowing to us. I looked at Yeonjun. Soju?!

BEOMGYU: Are you sure that you wanna have Soju?

He didn't answer me even though I was looking at him and waiting for a reply. I felt a little bad so I looked outside until he called my name.

I turned to him. He was taking a selfie. I posed cutely. Guess what, I found him smiling for the first time. He looks so beautiful while smiling. He took a shot and put his phone down on the table.

I saw it was an iPhone 13 pro.

BEOMGYU: Wow! It's an iPhone! Is this your personal phone?

YEONJUN: Yeah. I have many other phones but I use this the most.

BEOMGYU: Many others?!

YEONJUN: Yeah one iPhone, Samsung Galaxy S22, One plus 10 and a Realme.

I nodded and drank water in disbelief.

YEONJUN: What phone do you have?

I choked on my water as he asked me and it all splashed on his face. I widened my eyes.

BEOMGYU: O my god! A-am so sorry t-teacher. I didn't mean to do it at all.

I saw him clenching his hand into a fist as it was on the table.

To be continued...

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