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"Are you fine?"  The moment those words left Rosé's mouth all the tears I've been preventing to fall suddenly fell like waterfalls.

I sobbed like a kid.

There I was again feeling like a 18 year old again crying because I felt homesick and I wanted to go home, crying because I never felt like I was good enough.

I shook my head. "No.." I finally said in honesty.

She allowed me to cry on her shoulders. "It's just that." I sniffed. "I always make effort for them. Even if I'm in the hospital I always make sure to greet them and say congrats or I'm proud of them."

"I know they are always busy but what about me?" Roseanne remained calm and patted my back. "Even if I faint and in the emergency room I always make time for them, even if I'm in a different country."

"I'm not asking much. All I want is to feel they are proud of me atleast."

"All this time nobody knew I feel inferior to my brother, nobody knew I always craved for that fucking validation."

"I never asked much because they are always busy. I felt insecured but I never told Sunghoon, I missed my brother but I never asked for his attention because I knew he is always busy."

"That made me think, when will I get the same treatment I do to them?"

"He doesn't know how much it hurts me whenever I see the both of them together as if they were meant to be."

This very hour I felt like my 18 year old self all iver again. Crying, bawling, and questioning myself.

Rosé never said anything which I actually prefer.

She just remained in that position while hugging me.

I never asked for anything. Not even my parent's attention which is why I'm closer to Jay's family.

After crying I fell asleep. I can't even remember what time I fell asleep.

When I opened my eyes I noticed I wasn't in mine or rosé's apartment. It was an unfamilliar appartment so I started panicking.

When I was about to stand I saw someone which made my eyes wide. "...Hoon?" I wispered unsurely. "Hm?" He replied. He came near me bringing a cup of water.

I covered my face with my hands.

I always talk in my  sleep whenever I'm drunk. Mina what have you done this time.

"Are you feeling better?" He asked once I finished drinking the water.

I did not speak. I heard him sigh and he suddenly carried me bridal style. We arrived at the living room and he placed me down slowly.

He went to the kitchen to cook soup. Till now there is an uncomfortable silence going on. Neither wanted to speak.

After about 10 minutes the soup was already cooked. I'm not sure if this was a soup that just got reheated or a freshly cooked soup.

He sat down next to me and hugged me. He buried my face on his neck. "I'm sorry.." He wispered.

I felt tears streaming down my face again. Gosh when will I stop crying.

"I'm so sorry." He wispered again and held my tightly. He kept caressing my hair and wispering.

"Why didn't you tell me about what you felt with Wonyoung?" He asked.

I sat down and wiped my tears. "Because I know this is part of your work. I just can't help but feel this way when I know that fans are shipping you here and there..." I mumbled.

"I'm sorry for not telling you sooner." He told me. "I was told the same day and my phone was taken from me.." He explained.

"I tried contacing you but you weren't responding. I even went to Busan but they said you were here in Australia so I took the last flight here."

I nodded still sniffing. "Mina never hesitate to tell me okay? I know you promised yourself you will never be the reason I won't reach my dreams but you will remain as my top priority." He kissed my  forehead.

I finally allowed myself to become vulnerable. "It's just." I sniffed. "Why do you feel so far away?"

"It almost feels like I can't love you Hoon."

"Am I doing the right thing?"

"You feel so unreachable."

He hugged me. "I'm sorry you felt that way. I'm sorry I broke my promise. But remember if ever someday I have to choose between you and my career."

He looked at me in the eyes.

"It's always you, above all."

What did I do to deserve him? "Also that Haze guy really need to keep his distance from you." He said in a stern voice. I chuckled and finally composed myself.

"Never hesitate to tell me anything, hm?" Hoon told me again. I nodded feeling like i'm getting scolded.

Then he fed me with a soup. After taking a bath we sat in the living room again while watching a movie. "Kiss me." I looked at Sunghoon.

He leaned towards me and kissed me. We remained in that position for a few minutes before we broke apart.

We smiled and cuddled the entire morning.

Halfway past afternoon I recieved a text from Rosé that there will be a party and I must bring Hoon with me.

Justice for my liver please.

We dressed up but I promised myself I won't drink anymore.

When we arrived Hoon held my waist. "Let's go?" He offered and went inside. My eyes widened. "Did you just-" He laughed and ignored me.


I was still silent when we arrived at our table. My friends looked at me in shock when they realized my boyfriend was Hoon. "Hello I'm Sunghoon, Mina's boyfriend nice to meet all of you." He introduced himself.

Some of my friends aren't kpop fans so they asked what Sunghoon does for work. "Oh I'm an idol. Specifically a kpop idol from a group named Enhypen." He explained.

"I was a former athlete."

"What sport?" They asked.

"Figure skating." He responded.

When we left the club Hoon was a bit drunk so I drove on the way home.

This time I went to my apartment not his. Yes I found out he bought an apartment here in Australia for absolutely no reason at all.

I also found out that he was slightly fluent in English but never revealed it because he doesn't want to speak in award shows.

"Mina..I'm sorry." He apologized again. I smiled and kissed his lips.

He suddenly pulled me so now we are in a spooning position. "Don't leave me." He begged. "I'm going to marry you someday, okay?" He kissed my forehead. "You'll walk down the aisle and wear wedding rings..." He mumbled.

"I'm going to propose to you again someday."

"And this time, I will be the one to buy your ring.."

Skates and Wedding rings (#1 Reverie series)Where stories live. Discover now