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"WHAT!" I screamed while sitting down.

I was just laying in my bed when I suddenly recieved a text that we are having a family gathering.

Rushingly I went to the garage and drove my car to Hybe. Some were looking at me because I was running.

Why as I running? Because Grandma also overthinks a lot and if I'm late she will think I will not go and I don't love her anymore.

I ran and opened the door to enhypen's practice room.

I breathed deeply.

"Hoon, Jay fam meeting asap." Those five words were enough to make their eyes wide and move.

"Huh? Why is Sunghoon included? Is Sunghoon also their cousin?..."

I sighed and ran to look for my brother. I saw him hanging out- no bickering with Yoongi.

"Fam gathering, asap."

Then I ran back to my car.

They were all complete in less than a minute.

"Let's go the mall." Jimin said and we all agreed.

We needed to pick up some gifts and all. "What why is Sunghoon here?" My brother asked.

Jay's mouth went open.

"Later." I told him and buckled up my seatbelts. They all did the same.

"What do you mea-AAAA!" Jimin screamed when I started my car.

Can he blame me? We are literally rushing because we have less time in our hands at this moment.

All three of them are in the backseat and I was blessed with the three who gets scared easily.

I currently have a background music of the three of them screaming.

I feel like I broke a record, because we arrived at the mall faster than expected. I grabbed my car keys and opened the door.

"Guys, come on!" I called the three of them. They nodded having no choice and went outside.

Jimin almost fell because his legs were shaky and Sunghoon was staring at...the sky? Jay's eyes were wide.

I pulled all of them inside. "30 mins." They all nodded and we seperated. I went to Chanel to buy an accesory and bag for Grandma.

And as agreed in less than 30 minutes we all met up. They look like they just went on a rollercoastee ride.

When they were about to enter they gulped really hard. "Oh don't be dramatic." I rolled my eyes and enter.

So we started our journey to Busan. Somehow they became quiet halfway on the trip. It's a miracle.

When we arrived I hugged my parents and grandparents.

"You look beautiful Mina." My mom complemented me. I gave her a kiss on the cheeks and did the same to Dad.

"Grandma!" I called to her. I ran and hugged her which she returned.

We sat down and ate. We had a conversation when Jimin asked why Sunghoon is here. They took a deep breath and explained.

After talking and eating he called me to the garden

"Are you happy?" He said breaking the uncomfortable silence. "Yes." I nodded. He also nodded.

"Then that's good enough for me." He said.

"I'm sorry." He suddenly apologized. I looked at hik confused. "For what?" I asked him.

"Everything. I promise I'll make it up to you okay? I was your big brother before I became a bts member."

He hugged me and kept apologizing.

At that moment I felt like I had a big brother again.

After talking we went back to call Sunghoon.

"You better not harm my sister." He warned. I could see Sunghoon gulping.

"No sir." He replied.

Jay and I made eye contact and we laughed.

"I guess Hoon passed my brother's standard..right?"

Jay laughed. "Always be happy, Lyra."

A/N: One more chapter!!

Skates and Wedding rings (#1 Reverie series)Where stories live. Discover now