Chapter seven: revenge

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Camilo's POV:

After we made sure that Delilah was home safely, we instanly walked back to the market to find out who hurt her. "If only we showed up sooner...", Mirabel said very guilty.

"Yes at least one of us should have an eye on her", Luisa said. "It doesn't matter now, it already happened. We should focus on finding out who it was and make sure no one dares to hurt her ever again", Isabela said I looked at her very stunned.

"Is this real or am I dreaming? You actually want to work together? I thought everyone would fight their own battle", I said and Isabela sighed.

"This is for Delilah. We all want her to be safe, so we should put our rivalry aside for her protection", Isabela said and Luisa and Mirabel seemed to agree with her.

"Alright, we know people were watching the attack on Delilah, we just need to ask one of them", I said and we instnaly tried to search for the weakest target.

I saw a woman with a sleeping baby in her arms and she seemed tense when we walked past her. She didn't want us to notice her so she was the perfect target. I pointed towards her and the others nodded before they followed me.

"We know you saw something. Who hurt Delilah?", I asked her and she gulped. "I don't want to get involved in any arguments. We all don't want to, so please...", she begged but Mirabel pulled her hair. She hissed in pain and Isabela glared at her.

"Just tell us the names and we will leave you alone", Isabela said and the woman started to cry. "Didn't we teach you all that you shouldn't disobey the Madrigals?", I said.

"Okay okay, I tell you but please don't tell anyone that I told you", she said and Mirabel let go of her. "Ema and Maria were jealous of all the attention Delilah got from you especially from Camilo and Isabela", she explained and we nodded before we left her alone.

"What now?", Luisa asked. "It's easy. Isabela and I will lure them to the lake and you and Mirabel will surprise them. Make sure to have something that hurts with you", I explained. "Should we just hurt them or kill them?", Mirabel asked unsure.

"Killing them would send a message to everyone to not mess with Delilah again besides these girls were always annoying anyway. I would even rather marry Mariano than to be with one of them", Isabela said and I agreed with her.

"But we never killed...", Luisa  said very worried. "Only because we didn't have to but now two people stepped out of line. We need to show them what happens if they dare to do that", I said and they agreed.

We waited for the night to come and Isabela and me made our way to Ema and Maria's house. Luisa and Mirabel should already be at the lake, so nothing should go wrong. I knocked at the door and an old man opened it.

"The Madrigals...", he said terrified. "We are here to see your daughters", Isabela said with a sweet smile and he was sweating. "I... I'm sorry about their behaviour... I promise they will never step out of line again. I will make sure of that!", he stuttered out in panic and Isabela giggled.

"Don't worry, we aren't here because of that incident. Jealousy is a strong feeling. We were actually happy that they were jealous because we liked them for a long time but we were never sure if they liked us back", Isabela explained in a sweet voice.

I had to admit that she was very good at sweet talk. "That's a relief. They will be thrilled", he said and shouted their names before the girls came to us, smiling brightly. "Camilo! I'm so happy to see you!", Ema said and I forced myself to smile.

"Isabela you're so beautiful", Maria said. "It's such a beautiful night, let's go for a walk", I said and Ema instanly clinged onto my arm while Maria did the same to Isabela.

The girls wouldn't shut up about how much they liked us and it was hard for me to continue on with my act but then we finally reached the lake. "Isn't this the perfect place for a first kiss?", Isabela said and the girls' eyes widened in excitement. "Just close your eyes", I told them and immediately listened only for Mirabel and Luisa coming out of their hiding spot.

Mirabel hit Ema with a piece of wood and Luisa did the same to Maria. The girls hissed in pain while they fell down on the floor. They looked at us shocked and confused while we glared at them. "Why are you doing this?! We thought...", Ema wanted to say but I interrupted her.

"Did you really think we would fall in love with you after you hurt our precious Delilah?", I asked them and they gulped. "We are sorry... We couldn't handle our emotions. It will never happen again...", Maria said in fear.

"Oh yes we will make sure of it", Isabela said while she handed me a piece of wood too and also getting one for her. "Please forgive us!", Ema begged. "We rather want to make you regret it", Mirabel said and hit Ema again.

We did the same. We continued to hit and hit the girls and their screams and agony was like music to our ears. "Now you see how Delilah felt!", Luisa said and we continued to hit them until the entire grass was full of blood.

"I can't even recognize their faces anymore", Isabela proudly said. "I never felt so satisfied", Mirabel said. "Should we just leave them here?", Luisa asked and I nodded. "Yes, as a warning for the others", I said.

"But they will be able to tell it was us", Mirabel said concerned. "They will either way", Isabela said. "But what if Delilah finds out?", Luisa asked. "She won't believe we would be capable of that and after this, all of Encanto will be too afraid to interact with her anyway", I explained.

"So we will have her all to ourselves?", Mirabel asked excited. "Yes, just like it should be", Isabela said and we proudly returned to Casita.

Abuela was waiting for us inside and she seemed to look proud. "Dolores told me about your plan and I'm proud of you. The entire village will be afraid of getting close to Delilah which will only draw her closer to us", she said and we smiled.

"Working together felt better than I thought", I said and the others agreed. "And it's a good thing too. The cracks on the walls disappeared tonight", she said and we all cheered. Our power would remain strong.

"Now Delilah only needs to choose who she wants to marry and she will become one of us", Abuela said and we all looked down. "She basically told all of us that she just wants to be friends. She doesn't seem to be interested in one of us", Mirabel said disappointed.

"If she can't choose one of you then her father will. He wants to be integrated in the village, so he would probably be happy to marry his daughter to one of you. I will have a talk with him tomorrow but for now, go to bed. You need to rest", Abuela said and we all nodded before we seperated.

I really hoped her father would want her to be with me I mean I was the only boy so it was his only chance to have grandchildren... I hope he was reasonable.


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