Chapter twenty one: birth

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Delilah's POV:

The last few months of my pregnancy were a little bit better than the first few. I got a lot more visits and if they were happy with my behaviour they gave me treats like a book I could read or something to draw on.

I didn't feel as alone as before and I could distract myself from my dark thoughts. I really appreciated that. I was glad that I could show them that I learned but today a sudden pain ran all over my body.

I started screaming in agony while I felt water running down my leg. The baby was coming. After I screamed a few times, the door to the basement opened and Luisa ran towards me. She picked me up and carried me upstairs.

"The baby is coming, inform the doctor!", Luisa yelled and the entire family was in stress. She carried me to the room, I used to have before they threw me into the basement. "Okay Delilah, don't worry. We are all here and we've been through this a lot. We know what to do", Luisa said and kissed my forehead.

"Ahhh it hurts!", I cried. "I know but it will go away", Luisa said desperetly and held my hand. Soon Camilo, Mirabel and Isabela joined us. They all tried to comfort me but no matter how much they kissed me and reassured me that everything would be alright, it didn't make the pain go away.

"Delilah mija, the doctor is here. He came as fast as he could", Julieta said and the doctor followed closely after her. "Good Delilah, you need to spread your legs and push", he said but it was so embarrassing for me.

"Please there are too many people in here!", I yelled. "But we want to stay with you!", Isabela said upset. "She is the one in pain Isabela. Please go out. I will stay here with the doctor", Julieta said and they all left.

Now I was finally able to breath in this room. "Julieta!", I cried and and she held my hand. "I know what you're going through. You need to push, then it will be over", she said and I screamed while trying to follow the instructions.

I never experienced so much pain before. How could women go through this more than once? "I can see the head!", the doctor said and I put all of my strengh into it until I heard a scream. "It's there!", the doctor said.

"Ohh it's an adorable boy!", Julieta said but the pain didn't go away. I started screaming again. "There is another one!", the doctor said and tears were running down my cheek.

I would get twins! But I couldn't be happy about it because the pain was almost unbareable. "Ahhhh god!", I yelled and gave it my last try until I heard another scream. "That's it. You did wonderful mija!", Julieta said while I was panting heavily.

I was so tired from all of this that I wasn't able to keep my eyes open and passed out.

After I woke up, I noticed Isabela sitting beside me. "Deliah! I'm so glad you're alright. We were so worried", she said and kissed me. "My babies...", I breathed out still exhausted. "Yes mi vida, you gave birth to twins! A boy and a girl", she said happily.

"Where are they?", I asked trying to sit up but Isabela instanly pushed me back down. "Our family takes care of them now, don't worry. You need to rest now", she said but I still tried to sit up. "I want to see them, please bring them to me", I said and Isabela bit her lip.

"They are sleeping now. We can't bring them up here", she said. "Then I will go to them", I said and tried to get out of the bed. "No Delilah, you are too weak", Isabela said and tried to hold me back. "Not too weak to not see my babies", I said while getting up.

I had a hard time to stand and Isabela held onto me. "See? You can't even walk. You need to rest, you can see them later", she said and wanted to put me back into my bed. "No, I will see them first, then I will rest. Can't you understand that I want to see my own babies?", I asked and she sighed.

"Alright, I will help you", she said and helped me walk. We carefully walked out of the room but we stopped when we got to the stairs. "Luisa can you help!", Isabela yelled and Luisa instanly came running towards us.

Her eyes widened when she saw me. "You should be in bed", she said. "Not until I've seen my babies", I said and Luisa picked me up, carrying me downstairs. We walked to the living room and I saw Pepa and Julieta having my babies in their arms.

"I want to see my babies!", I said and gave Luisa a sign to put me down. She listened but still had her arm around my waist. "Delilah, you shouldn't be out of bed", Alma said. "Isabela told me the babies were sleeping, so I decided to go to them, in order to not wake them up", I said.

"Fine, look at them but then you will go back to bed", Alma said and Pepa and Julieta proudly showed me my babies. They looked so peaceful. "I want to hold them", I said but then they instanly turned away from me.

"You can't even stand on your own now", Pepa said. "I would never let them fall", I said. "We can't trust you. Besides, they are already sleeping, so you shouldn't wake them up", Julieta said. "They won't wake up in their mother's arms", I said.

"Didn't you learn anything in your pregnancy? You need to listen to us", Alma said impatient. "I just want to take care of my babies. That's all. I would never disappoint you again", I said.

"You won't take care of the babies. You're too young, your mind is too weak as well as your body and we don't trust you enough yet. Let the more experienced people take care of them", Alma said and my eyes widened.

"But they are my babies...", I said but Alma interrupted me. "No they are Madrigal babies. It's important that they get raised to be strong and true Madrigals. That won't happen, if you raise them, so we will take care of them", she said and my heart felt like it was ripped out of my body.

"But I'm their mother! Shouldn't a baby be with it's mother?", I asked very hurt. "You will get to see them every now and then. Now go and rest before you wake them up", Alma said and Luisa picked me up again.

"No, I want my babies!", I yelled while she carried me away and my babies started to scream.


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