In the Other Place

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Pyra's Pov

"Ngggh." My chest hurt as I go and sit up. Wait, this isnt Nevada. I look around and realized. "Fuck. This place again. Well, at least I can go see Him again." I say as I finally stood up.

I looked around for those, uh, mag like people? Don't know what they are but, they are really calm around me. The only time they arn't are when people break out or try to escape them. Thankfully I know my way to him. It's just a long walk and balancing act as the chains help me go from large gaps to the other.

An hour past and I got spotted by those mags. One insisted on carrying me to Him. Wonder why? Oh well. At least I dont have to cause unnessisary violence for once.

Finally. Another hour past and im near where he is being kept. As I entered the door, he looks over to me, like he knew I was comming over. It wouldnt be the first time.

"Hello, Pyra. Nice seeing you again." He greeted.

"Nice seeing you as well, Phobos." I say as I come over to him. "I know your stuck here and it's pretty boring hehe."

"Why yes, indeed. What is the world like up there?" Phobos asked.

"Same old crap. Hank causing mass genocide for the A.A.H.W. and Auditor is pissed still. Nothing has really changed from the last time I told ya." I say to him. He ask me every time I get to him.

"Ah, I see. Well, Im happy you came to see me again. Even if it isn't by choice that you got here." Phobos smiled to me after. He seems really bonded to me.

Dont get me wrong, he was a big baby asshole when I met him. But after a wile of letting his feelings out and getting through the big repressing stuff, he isn't that bad. Hell, sometimes his jokes remind me of Deimos.

Though lately, hes been getting closer. And I mean physically and a bit, well, its hard to explain but it makes me have a weird feeling in my heart and stomach.

After hours of catching up and lauging a bit, he asked me if he could hold me in a cuddle. I didnt mind so I agreed. But this cuddle, it felt like he was clinging onto me. Like, he didn't want me to leave him.

I look up at him with some consern. "Phobos, you dont wan't me to leave again, do you?"

His sad expression said it all as he  nuzzled his head against my neck. "No. I don't want you to go again. If you can, please stay with me. Or, take me with you. I promise not to be a tyrant again. After being here for so long, and also talking with you, I learned my lesson. I always hated that auditor bastard. And if I live again, it will be fighting by your side. I don't care if its agaisnt him and with hank and the others. I just, want to be by your side."

His voice cracked a bit. Thats how I know he was serious. Wait, did he conffess to me?! Doesn't matter right now. I need to comfort him. Even though, evetually I will have to go.

Abd just then, the chains came and wrapped around me gently. We both knew time was up again. "I promise to come strait to you again. Please, just wait for me."

"Pyra, thats all I can do. But I thank you for saying this again. See you soon." Phobos said as he lets me go, letting the chains take me back to Nevada.

No ones pov

"She is waking up Doc!" Skinner said as he watches Pyra along with Andy.

Doc comes over from the corner and nods. "Good. She was out a bit longer this time. And I want answers. I feel like she knows more than her saying she doesnt remember."

Pyra soon wakes up and sighs sadly. Then realized that all three of them were looking at her. "O-oh. Sorry for the scare again Doc."

"Dont worry about that. But that sad sigh of yours, you can't hide it much longer Pyra. What happened." Doc asked as he gave her a look of 'don't lie'.

Pyra sighs again. "I think I been going to this...other place." She starts. "Every time I go, I go to see him. At first he was an asshole but, now he's a lot nicer and I think he learned his mistake."

"Who is this 'he' you are referring to?" Doc asked.

"Your not gonna like it for I found out what Project Nexus was. His name is Phobos." Pyra said.

Everyone besides Doc flinched. Though all of them were terrified.

"How the hell did you get there, none the less met phobos without him trying to murder you?" Doc was angry but was more conserned for her.

"I...don't know. But, trust me. Whatever he did back then, hes remorseful for. He's changed Doc." Pyra tries to explain.

Doc glared as he goes to her to tell her face to face. "Tyrants. Dont. Change."

Pyra grew scared of Doc at that moment. Then looked away in shame. She knows she cant go against Docs word but, she knows more on phobos condition than he does. For now she stays silent.

Doc sighs as he gives her space. "Look. I don't trust him. He could be manipulating you. Hes good at that unless he has threatened you to tell us that. But no matter what it is, Phobos will always be a threat. So please, try to look on both sides instead of his. For now, rest up. We are all gonna go help the boys once your in shape to do so."

"Yes sir." Pyra says softly. After that, she didn't say another word for the rest of the day

[994 words. Short chapter but worth it!]

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