How dare him...

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Chapter I

"How dare him..." 

In Eastern Europe, a ball was held in a certain palace. All the guests were dancing, drinking, talking, and having a good time. Suddenly, the music stopped and the crowd's attention was drawn to the sound of a spoon hitting a glass.

In the center of the room stood a tall man, the host.
The Russian Empire smiled kindly at those gathered in the ballroom.
"Dear guests, I would like to present to you my most precious trophy," he said, pointing his hand to the object behind him, from which hung a red robe.

Everyone stared at the object with curiosity, waiting for the man to reveal this "trophy".
Among the other guests was the British Empire along with the French Republic.

The British Empire rolled its eyes at the words Russian Empire.
Men didn't like each other, giving another reason at every opportunity, a reason why he was better than the other.

Just like now

The French Republic, on the other hand, was intrigued by what RE considers to be his most precious trophy. Despite her general dislike of the man, she was curious about the man's priorities.

When RE made sure everyone was looking at him, he cocked his head and announced with a big smile,
"The wings of an Angel!"
With a swift movement of his hand, he took off the robe that shared the golden case with the eyes of his visitors.

Behind the man was a case a head bigger than him, all gold with silver clasps. In it, there was a silver stand for more than ¾ of the entire display case.
Snow-white eagle wings hung from it. They were huge, the entire height of the display case, their feathers shimmering with the surrounding gold. They were beautiful, unique...

Applause and words of admiration echoed throughout the hall.
Everyone was fascinated by the wings hanging in the golden case.
Some criticized them and said under their breath that they were artificial.
That RE probably had them made of high-quality fabric himself, to have something to boast about in front of the gathered.

Because where would he get such a unique object?

The French Republic was as fascinated as everyone else.
She had never seen anything so beautiful in her life, never.
She had traveled much of the earth, had many colonies, and was sure she would never find anything like it anywhere. "They're gorgeous," she said with a smile, staring at the shimmering feathers.
The British Empire was not as fascinated as its seafaring companion. "They're fake," he said firmly, gaining an unfavorable look from FR.

However, neither of them paid any attention to the man standing next to them. Probably because of his appearance.
The man was dressed as a butler; A black tailcoat, a white shirt, long black trousers, and a golden bow tie to symbolize whose "property" it is.
In his hand, he held an empty golden tray, on which not so long ago there were glasses.

The man stared in disbelief at the case

'How dare him!' he thought, gritting his teeth. He shifted his gaze to RE surrounded by people fascinated with wings. As soon as the two met their eyes, the older of them sent the younger a haughty, mocking smile. The man dropped the tray, causing a loud boom in the hall.

"They're mine!"

The wings of an Angel {One-shot}Where stories live. Discover now