Words and deeds

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Chapter II 

"His words and deeds" 

After the successful ball, Congress Poland was forced to stay behind to clean up the entire ballroom.
That was his punishment for dropping the tray, the empty tray. Comical, right?

Congress Poland stood by the golden case with its wings. He stared at it longingly. The sound of footsteps echoed around the room, oh how well Poland knew those footsteps.
"I have to say you did a great job as a butler," he said, placing his hand on his shoulder.

Poland lowered his head and remained silent, not turning to his cousin. He didn't want to look at him, the man disgusted him. He hated him with all his body and heart.
"Getting those wings off your back has taught you humility." he smiled sadistically with satisfaction as he looked at the silent man. 

"You had no right to show them, much less take them away from me!" Poland screamed, knocking the man's hand away, thus forcing him to take a few steps back. Annoyance appeared on the elder's face.

"Tch, you'll never change," he said disapprovingly, shaking his head resignedly.
"You should be thankful you're on the map at all." RE straightened up and brushed off nonexistent dust.

"Grateful? Do not make me laugh!" he burst out laughing, looking at his cousin. He couldn't believe that the man in front of him was related to him, that he had feelings for him for a moment.
No, not him, it was the ruler of his people who had feelings for his ruler.

What a disgusting feeling.

"You were always an ungrateful brat. You should be thankful you're alive at all, cousin."

"I will never be the cousin of a son of a bitch who doesn't respect his blood!" he threw the broom on the floor, not caring what the consequences would be.

He didn't care, he had enough.
He was tired of dealing with a son of a bitch who talked about family and had no respect for them.
He was tired of dealing with him and his two "friends".

Friends who were ready to stab him in the back when things changed, when they decided they wanted more than they had.

"You and that family shit of yours," he said irritably, rolling his eyes. Sometimes he wondered why this moron was alive at all.
How had he survived the partitions, how could he convince the French Republic to help regain independence, which he lost as quickly as he regained it?
How the hell did he still resist? 

"Shouldn't you forgive your neighbor? Isn't that what your ridiculous God is teaching you?" he laughed in Poland's face. RE approached the trembling man slowly, he knew his younger cousin was furious, and it amused him.
"He would forgive me, wouldn't he?" Poland was silent, it widened RE's smile, he raised his hand to catch the younger man's chin.

"You're right..." The younger of the men finally spoke, so quietly that if RE had been a step away, he wouldn't have heard him. However, even though RE tried, the younger one didn't raise his head and didn't look at him. "God forgives you..." he said louder than before. RE's smile widened, he was satisfied with the answer of the younger one, and he was sure of his victory.

"But not me." 

Suddenly the elder cousin felt a stabbing pain in his stomach.
He took a few steps back, holding on to where the pain was coming from. When he looked down at his hands, he saw that they were covered in blood, and he stabbed him.
His cousin, his closest family member, his closest relative.
Russian Empire looked up angrily at Congress Poland.

Only then did he notice the expression on the face of the man who was still standing by the case with the wings.

The place where Congress stood. Although the wings were still in the case, they gave the impression that they had returned to their original, only, and proper owner.
CP's face showed no particular emotion, it was a mixture of pure hatred mixed with rage and satisfaction. He was smiling... 

It could be considered funny,
but it was one of the few moments when the Russian Empire was scared of his cousin.

The man forgot...
He had forgotten that his cousin wasn't a helpless brat who needed discipline. No, he was a man with experience, he wasn't afraid to stand up for himself and he didn't hesitate at anything.
He was honorable, and intelligent, even if sometimes he was stupid and naive. He was someone you'd better have a neutral relationship with, never a negative one.

Someone to be feared when his print was pressed.

Yes, the Russian Empire has forgotten what his cousin was like over the years. "You know perfectly well that something like this won't kill me," he said mockingly, but deep down he was afraid that the man would pounce on him, that he would die.
And he couldn't defend himself, not in this situation. He was afraid, despite knowing that the man in front of him was too honorable to do such a thing as kill him in such a dishonest situation.

"You're right." the younger answered him calmly, the calmness of his voice and expression was terrifying, but the elder was not going to show it. No, Russian Empire wasn't going to show fear of him, it would have given him too much satisfaction.

"Even though we both know how much I want it, that's not my role," he said, tossing the bloody dagger to the floor. He walked slowly over to the man, who was no longer able to stay on his feet, and fell to his knees. Poland slowly reached out to him and grabbed his chin, lifting his cousin's head.

"After all, betrayal from the person closest to you hurts the most, doesn't it?"

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