The Olds Myths

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Y/N woke up with a gasp. Something happened in his dream though he couldnt exactly remember what, he calmed himself down and got out of bed. "Kids! Foods ready!!" Carla shouted from downstairs in a sweet voice, Y/N checked the time. It was 9:20. He walked downstairs and sat at the table, Eren and Mikasa soon came down. They were fighting over who got to sit at the comfy chair, Y/N chuckled and got up from his seat gesturing one of them to sit in the comfy chair he had. Eren smiled and sat in his chair while Mikasa sat in the other one. Carla walking into the diningroom with two plates of bacon and egg for Mikasa and Eren. Before soon walking back in with an omlette for Y/N, and some soup and tea for herself. "Thank you for this meal!" The three kids said before eating their food. Y/N finished first, taking his plate into the kitchen before going upstairs to get ready. He had just turned 14 and was about to start learning major history points in school. He put on a white smart-shirt, black hoodie, the schools green tie, grey smart-pants, and some trainers. He fixed his hair and grabbed his backpack before running down the stairs. "See you later Mum!!" He yelled before running out of the front door to school. At the gate he saw his friends waiting for him, Ymir, Historia, and Bertholo. "Hey guys." He said, "you're late" Ymir joked, hitting him on the back of his head. "Ok, ow." Bertold chuckles at this while Historia facepalms and drags Ymir away. "Now its just us" Y/N stated obviously, "mhm" berutoto nods. The duo run into the school doors to try and catch up.

(In history class)

Mr House stood at the board talking some bullshit Y/N didnt really care for. That was until he said, "It is said that the once founder of this land Y/N was the one to free us from these titans. However that is just a myth, and is yet to be proven." Afew people turned to look at Y/N since he has the same name of the 'founding titan'. The idea of titans seemed to intrigue Y/N, he began to listen to Mr House.

"Though there is no real evidence to prove titans existance, it is said that their corpses and body-parts would disintigrate after death. If that is true it would show how we have never found any remains of a titan, despite old drawings of them being seen to have bones" Mr House then opened a book. "This is a textbook from a man named Armin Arlert, this book was wrote just after titans were defeated. He talks about his comrades and all they know about titans. What he also talks about is their special ODM gear-" someone puts their hand up. "Yes Ms Hirujo" the girl puts her hand down before asking. "What's ODM gear?" Mr House sighs. "If you didnt interrupt i was just getting to that part. So, alot of you already know our military use ODM gear when fighting. ODM gear is a special movement mobility gear that supposedly used to help us humans fight against titans. Though none of us really know how, ODM gear has dated back decades and decades ago." Just as Mr House finished the bell went and everyone got up, exept Y/N. "Mr Yeager. Why are you still here?" Mr House asked. "Sorry sir, i just wanted to ask if i could get a copy of that book?" The teacher looked confused for a moment before nodding. "You can keep it kid. No one really uses these books anymore anyway" And he passes the book to Y/N. "Thank you sir" Y/N then walked out of the room to the library, it was quiet there, easier to read.

He sat in a corner and flicked through the pages of the unnamed book. Armin Arlert was a pretty famous writer from his 'myths' though he never named any of his books. Y/N stopped flicking through his book suddenly.

The page read:

'I had many friends, there were three i thought would stick by my side nomatter what. Eren, Mikasa, and Y/N. I understand why Y/N started the rumbling, after all of his talk about killing all titans he stuck by his word. Y/N was pretty smart, he acted mean and evil as a way to try to get us to hate him. He knew he would die. I remember something he told me before he died, someone he loved. Its too painful to write in words, i couldmt trust myself to do so. I wouldnt do it justice. All i know is that Y/N Yeager was strong, loyal, and a good friend. I miss him. We all do.'

Y/N froze. That was his name? And Eren, Mikasa.. Even his friend Armin.. Why are their names the exactly the same? Did carla name them after these people.? It was too many questions, Y/N just sighed and closed the book. He could think about all of that later. The bell rung. He got up and walked out of the library, instead of going to lunch though he just walked out of the main building towards the park.

"Oh hey Y/N!" Soneone shouted for him, he turned to see Armin writing something, sat against a wall. Y/N sat next to him. "Hey Armin.., he paused ,Do you know anything about this?" He passed Armin the book. "Huh.. thats kinda weird. It has our names in it?" Armin mumbled under his breath before passing Y/N the book back. "I dont really know. Its just myths right? We probably just got named after them" the short blonde said. "Yeah.. ok, your probably right." Y/N replied.

(Back home)

Y/N walked through the front door, it looked as though Eren and Mikasa were still at school. He opened the pantry cubboard and grabbed a pack of crisps, walking upstairs to his room and locking the door. "Ill figure this out.. i know i can" He muttered to himself before flopping onto his bed.

(5 years later)

Y/N was hanging out with Ymir at a bar. "Happy 19th birthday" Ymir stated before looking at her phone. Y/N nods. "Historia alright?" He asks, Ymir looks at him and sighs. "She isnt getting any of my hints, i even said i wanted to marry her but she still didnt get it" Y/N put a hand to his chin "Maybe just outright ask her." Ymir looked to be frightened at the thought. "What if she says no-" Y/N cut her off. "Ill be here with you. Your a good friend of mine snd have helped me on multiple occasions, if anything goes wrong ill always be here Ymir" he states with a serioys face. Ymir just nods. "Ok- thank you" At this Y/N smirks "You're not going soft are you Ymir?" He jokes, earning a punch to the gut. "Oof!" "Shut up" the both pause for a second before laughing.

Earlier that day, Y/N had spoke to Ymir about the book and their names being the same, including hers. She seemed interestred by it so she stole a copy.

Y/N and Ymir said their byes and walked off in different directions. Y/N had finally saved up enough money to go on a boat to marley. "Ill get to the bottom of this." He muttered, as he stepped onto the docks.


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