An Organisation!?

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(So sorry for the late chapter! My internet turned off and im using my friends data to post this so the next chapter might come out later than intended. Anyway, enjoy!)

Ymir got up from bed carefully, it was midnight, and she didnt want to wake Historia up. She quietly left the room and crept downstairs, putting on a mask, black suit, and black tophat. And left the house. Walking down these dark eerie streets this late would bother any normal person, but thats the thing, Ymir isnt normal. While she may have walking down and around the block in silent, her mind was not. 'I wonder what the boss whats this late now.. in full suit too, i hate these damn tophats... Its almost worrying though, a meeting, no warning and at this hour?' Ymir thought. She glanced at her surroundings, once confirming no one was following her, she stepped into a dark allyway and walked through it. She took a left turn, then stopped at a perfectly hidden hatch on the floor. She touched it and after a moment she opened it, climbing inside with the hatch closing at the same time.

"You're late." A dark figure said, odd and almost villianous vibes came from them. "Im sorry boss, it was a very short notice." Ymir said, holding her right hand to her left side of her chest. "At ease." They started. "I have afew new missions for you Ymir. Urgent ones. Be ready for anything." Ymir nodded and gave a slight bow. "Yes Boss. Is there anyone else joining me?" The figure crossed their arms and nodded. "You may come in now" The door on the left opened and all tall blonde lady in a suit walked in. She was wearing a black mask, black suit, and a beanie. "Oh, hey Yelena. Been awhile." Ymir said, Yelena on the otherhand just nodded. The figure put their hands behind their back and stepped forward into the light. "This mission will be completely confidential... You are not to share it with Anyone. And i mean, anyone.. Your mission is to..."

(Timeskip half an hour)

"Are you sure we're going the right way?" Ymir asked in a hushed voice. "Positive." Yelena replied. 'Damn she really is a woman of few words-' Ymir sight before asking "Are you sure about the Boss's plan?" Yelena stopped and turned to her with a stern look. "The Boss is never wrong. Dont speak their name in vain.." Ymir sighed "Jeez- dont have to be so serious about it.." They continued walking in silence before Yelena broke it. "Id prefer if nothing went wrong in this mission. If it did it would be one of our faults.." Ymir thought for momemt before replying. "Scared of death?" Yelena winced then looked to the floor. "... not for myself.." Ymir had a confused look on her face, before Yelena continues "I have a wife. We've been together for afew years now. I dont want to leave her." Ymir nodded. "I get that. Im getting married soon myself. I would never want to leave her alone" She said. 'Not again..' The duo come to a halt at an empty looking house. "This is the place?" Ymir asked. "Positive" Yelena then held her hand out to Ymir. "Im not one for games but Paper, sizzors, stone. First to 3 wins, loser goes in first" Ymir smirked at this, holding her hand out too.

"Paper, Sizzors, Stone"

Yelena had paper as Ymir had sizzors. "Yess!" Ymir said to herself, it seemed as though Yelena was plotting something. Regardless, that was one point to Ymir.

"Paper, Sizzors, Stone"

Yelena had paper and so did Ymir. It was a draw. "Damn." Ymir muttered, it was quite cold and she'd prefer to get this mission done with quickly. But she also doesnt wanna risk going in first, and whats wrong about having a bit of fun?

"Paper, Sizzors, Stone"

Yelena had sizzors and Ymir had paper. "One for me." Yelena smirked "Oh shush" Ymir scoffed playfully. Dont take how they act the wrong way, The both of them are actually quite good friends!!
Thankfully for the sake of Yelenas sanity, the point was hers.

"Paper, Sizzors, Stone"

Yelena had rock and Ymir had sizzors "Damn it!" Ymir groaned While Yelena put her hands together smirking even more "Another one for me" Ymir crossed her arms and shook her head. "Oh shut up." Yelena rolled her eyes at Ymirs Childish antics, despite the fact that they were playing paper, sizzors, stone instead of going inside.

"Paper, Sizzors Stone"

... "What the fuck is that?" Yelena asked, pulling a weird face. "Its a flamethrower. Beats everything." Ymir said, with a smug look. Yelena facepalmed and just turned back to the door. "At this point we might aswell just both go in at the same time" She stated. "So no flamethrower? "No" "Damn." They both crept closer to the door, opening it quickly but quietly. 'Something is telling me that this isnt the right place..' But despite her thoughts, Ymir went further inside, it was quiet. A bit too quiet.

"You check down here, ill go upstairs" Yelena whispered, Ymir responding with a nod and thumbs up. The tall brunette crept into what appeared to be a living room. 'Missions on such a short notice are such a pain..' She stopped when she heard footsteps infront of her, bringing out her pistol. "Dont move.." She commanded once the figure infront of her was in her view. "Who are you?" The guy asked, tears brimming his eyes. "Doesnt matter, who do you work for?" Ymir stated, pointing her gun towards the man. "I-i- i dont understand!!" He stuttered, tears falling down his cheeks. Ymir pulled a disgusted look. "I dont think YOU understand..." She stated harshly, her finger grazing the trigger. "Why are you here and who do you work for!" The guy was full on sobbing, "I cant tell you!!" Ymir was getting pissed off and touched his head with the tip of her gun. The guys eyes widened in shock "HEL-" He was cut off as a bullet shot straight through his skull. 'I feel bad. But he got what was coming for him.. This is just my job.' Ymir kneeled down and started searching the corpse for anything worthwhile.


Yelena was searching through the cabinets and cuboards upstairs, she could here some hushed voices back downstairs but ignored it. 'Atleast i know there are probably more people in here..' She thought, taking her switchblade out of her pocket. Yelena crept into what appears to be a bedroom, she spots two people om guard but they dont see her. She puts away her knife and takes out two throwing knives, she aims and throws them into the neck of both of them. The two people drop like Reiner wants to off a bridge. They fall to the ground amd Yelena smirks. 'Easy as always' She creeps towards the two dead bodies and loots them. On the first person she finds, 3 quid, a pack of cigars, and a gun. She puts the money in her pocket aswell as the cigars 'Boss will probably like these.' She moves to the next guy and loots them too, she finds some weed, a gun, and a knive. She takes the weed and puts it in her back pocket for safekeeping. Yelena moves away from the bodys and someone taps her on the shoulder. She turned to see Ymir holding something in her hand, Ymir was covering it but with the way she was gesturing to her hand and outside its probably what we came here for

They both left quietly and returned back to base

(Afew hours later)

Ymir went into her house as quiet as possible. It was 4am so Historia should still be asleep but it was better to be safe than sorry. She took off all of her uniform and put it away, she left most of her weapons at base exept a knive which she kept in the kitchen so it wouldnt be as suspicious. Ymir then went upstairs and into the bed with a still sleeping Historia. She cuddled the blonde princess and put her face into the crook of her neck, falling asleep.


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