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The next week drags by, and when Friday finally shows up you are a nervous wreck. You're sitting at lunch with Asano your leg bouncing up and down under the table as you push food around on your plate. 

Asano puts a hand on your leg, and the bouncing slows. You look at him with a little bit of appreciation, as he smiles warmly at you. 

"Are you all right YN? You've been getting more anxious by the day," Asano says concernedly. 

"Oh," you bluff, not realizing you'd been so obvious. "I guess 'cause all the homework is just piling up!" 

You let out a nervous laugh hoping he wouldn't push it further. He looks at you skeptically but leaves it at that. He pulls you onto his lap wrapping his hands around your waist protectively. 

"Why don't we have a little study session tonight then?" Asano coos in your ear. 

"Um, I already made plans with Rio and- um..." you couldn't say Karma Asano still thought you were mad at him. "And Kayano tonight." 

He gives you another skeptical look, "Those End Class girls? I thought you stopped hanging out with them?" 

"Well, Rio and I have been in touch we decided to invite Kayano along today though." 

"So, old friends are trumping your boyfriend now?" he asks, sounding slightly offended. 

"Oh no it's not like that at all!" you exclaim. "How about I come over around 8:00, we should be done by then." 

Asano smirked, seeming satisfied with the idea. 

"OOOOO" Seo exclaims loudly, "YN and Asano are gonna  get dirty tonight!" 

Your face instantly glows bright red, the whole cafeteria probably heard that "Shut the fuck up!!" you whisper yell. 

Asano chuckles giving your ear a soft kiss. You bite your bottom lip trying to repress a smile. Get it together YN, you're just going to have to break up with him. You sneak a glance over at Karma, he is sitting with Iyona as usual. She is laughing and twirling her hair, and Karma looks like he's trying not to fall asleep, typical.


You and Karma decided to walk to My Mochi together around 6:30. 

"Hey Karma!" you say hopping down the last few steps to meet him. 

"Hi YN-Chan miss me?" he says with a smirk. 

You couldn't help but roll your eyes, "you wish! Come on let's go before Rio gets mad at us." 

"I don't think she'll be mad if we show up together regardless, as long as we're together she's content," Karma says pulling you in against his chest. 

Your cheeks heat up as you look up at him. Snapping back to your sense you push him off, "Come on Karma." 

Karma puts on a fake pout, "Oh you know you liked that YN-Chan."

"Shut up I have a boyfriend!" you mutter defensively. 

Karma lets out a bark of laughter, "oh please YN, we are meeting to plan how to break you two up!" 

"Hmph! Maybe I should have just walked alone!" you say sticking your tung out. 

"Yeah right, then you'd miss me too much." 

"Oh my god, you're impossible!" 

"Impossibly cute?" Karma teases, poking your cheek. 

"Oh, my goddd," you sigh. 

Karma grabs your hand, wrapping his fingers around yours. His hand is rough but warm. He looks up at you looking for a reaction. You glare at him, but don't pull away. 

When My Mochi comes into view you drop Karma's hand. Pushing the door open for him to walk in behind you. 

"Why did you stop holding my hand YN-Chan?" Karma says loudly enough for Rio to hear. 

"OMG NO WAY YOU TWO WERE HOLDING HANDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Rio squeals. 

"The whole way here," Karma coos. 

"How are you going to not dump Asano but hold his hand for a 20-minute walk!? YNNNN just dump him already!" Rio begs. 

"It's not fair to him!!" you counter.

"It's more unfair to lead him on like this!" Rio exclaims. 

"I have an idea," Karma interrupts. 

The two of you are quiet, looking over at him. Karma has slumped into a chair and somehow managed to grab a mochi without anyone noticing. 

He finishes it before continuing, "You should cheat on him YN." 

Your jaw almost drops, "are you crazy?" 

"Think about it YN, that way you wouldn't have to confront him about it which seems like your biggest concern." 

"No way am I going to cheat, that would be even worse than dumping him tomorrow!"

"Ok, but there is some thought to that," Rio interjects. "What if we get Asano to dump you, then you can just go straight to Karma." 

You think about that, it's not the worst idea so far. The only problem was how to get him mad enough to dump you. 

"The only question is how," Rio trails off. 

"I know," Karma says with a smirk. "YN, don't go to his house tonight; instead, come to mine." 

Rio's jaw falls open, "YOU WERE GOING OVER TO ANANO'S TONIGHT!?" 

You feel your cheeks heat up, "What would that even do?" 

"He may think you're avoiding him, and if he figures out you were meeting up with me instead of Kayano he'll be pissed." 

"How the hell do you even hear that you creep?" you say a little concerned. 

"Asano would not shut up about it in Chemistry, but that's not the point. What do you think?" he asks raising an eyebrow. 

"Um... what if I just don't go to his house and go home?" you try to negotiate. 

"Shut up YN. That takes all the fun out of it, just go to his house! It's not like you have to do anything!" Rio insists. 

"FINE!" you relent. "But I'm not sleeping in the same room as you Karma." 

"Works for me!" Karma says a grin spreading across his face. 

Karma grabs your hand and starts dragging you to the door, "Bye Nakamura!" 

"Leaving already!!" Rio whines. 

"It'll be worth it when me and YN are dating just you wait." 

"KARMA!" you yell. 

He lets out a laugh as you walk out into the night. 

Asano vs Karma, YN is pullinngggWhere stories live. Discover now