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When lunch rolls around your eyes search the cafeteria for Karma, he's nowhere to be found. Then you notice Seo isn't at your usual table either. You know what's going on even though you have no proof. 

Dropping your lunch on a random table you run out of the cafeteria, your first thought is the back lot, that's where most fights happen. You sprint downstairs and out the back door. 

Sure, enough Karma has Seo pushed against the brick wall. Seo's nose is bleeding, and both his eyes are nearly swollen shut. 

"KARMA!" you yell at him. 

You run over to him trying to pull him back from Seo, but he's always been stronger than you. The door flies open and the rest of the Big 5 pour into the back lot, there are also a few onlookers looking for a fight.  

Karma pushes you off of him, aiming another punch at Seo's nose. You hear a crunch, and you know it's broken. 

"Help me!" you yell at the crowd starting to form. 

Asano runs at Karma, tackling him to the ground. 

"The hell!?" Karma yells. 

You rush over to Karma and Asano. Karma is looking like his next punching bag is about to be Asano. 

"STOP!" you yell at him, kicking him in the ribs, so he listens to you. 

The crowd 'oohs'. Loving this. 

"Karma calm down, it's ok!" you reason with him. 

Asano gets up off Karma, brushing off his uniform, "Someone call for the nurse," he orders. 

You give him a small nod of thanks turning back to your boyfriend. He's sitting up now glaring at Asano and Seo. 

"Karma what were you thinking!?" you whisper yell at him. 

"I was trying to get back at him for what he did to you," Karma mutters flatly. 

"Karma, you don't need to beat him to an inch of his life to do that." 

The nurse and principal run out of the school. The nurse quickly rushes to Seo, while the principal looks around confused. 

"What is going on?" he asks his voice wavering slightly. 

"Karma beat up Seo!" a student calls out. 

The principal turns to stare at Karma and you, "Is that true?" 

"Yeah," Karma says flatly. "He was making up lies about my girlfriend."

Principal Vernice's eyes widen like he doesn't know what to do. 

"You three!" he points at Asano, Karma, and you. "Come to my office. Seo will join us when he is up to it. I want two witnesses!" 

A bunch of students' hands shoots up, and the principal points at two of them one of them a blue-haired girl the other one your lab partner. 


Karma comes to sit back next to you; he'd just had his interview with Principal Vernice. The fat man sticks his head out of his office, beckoning for you to come in. 

You stand up and walk into the principal's office. 

"You can sit there," he says, pointing at a very plush chair. "What is your understanding of what happened out there?" 

You let out a sigh, "Sir, it's a long story with a lot of contexts, but I think the important things are that Seo posted a tweet last night calling me a slut, and Karma beat him for it." 

Principal Vernice fidgets with papers on his desk, a blush creeping up his face, "Were you doing something slutty?"

Your eye twitches in annoyance, "No Sir, and I don't think you're in the right to ask me that." 

"Of course, not I'm so sorry, I was just trying to get all the facts." 

"Well find a better way than asking high school girls if they're sluts. This is a waste of my time, just know Seo initiated that, and Karma was sticking up for me. Punish Seo." 

The principal fluttered through his papers not meeting your eyes, "Well, you and Mr. Akabane have said the same thing, but the alleged "cyberbullying"-" 

You slam your hand on the table cutting him off, "It isn't alleged I can show it to you right now!" you yell at him. 

"Miss. LN please don't raise your voice, I get seeing this has been very stressful, and if this cyberbullying is true then I am sorry, but please be reasonable. But we are looking at a very likely possibility of Mr. Akabane being expelled."

"Bullshit. Why don't you tell Seo he shouldn't have posted that damn message! I'm not saying Karma was in the right, but it wasn't unprecedented!" 

"Y- yes of course, but please understand that was off of school property and we can't do anything about it!" 

You stand up in anger at this man. 

"Sir," you say through gritted teeth. "If you end up expelling Karma you will be losing me too. And as Karma being your number 1 and me being your number 3, I don't think that will look good." 

You storm out of the office, and back into the waiting room. You hear the principal scrambling behind you calling you back, but you sit next to Karma firmly, not planning on moving. 

"LN we aren't done," the principal says nervously. 

"Well, I am. Asano can talk to you next." 

Asano gets up, without the principal's orders, walking inside. The principal lets out a frustrated sigh and shuts the door. 

"Jeez YN, we could hear you yelling from out here!" your lab partner exclaims. 

"Sorry," you mutter, leaning into Karma's shoulder. 

"No, no it's good! The principal is such a pushover, your yelling at him will probably help him see Seo's wrongdoing!"

"Seo didn't do anything wrong!" the blue-haired girl yelled, getting up to face us. "Seo is an angel, and you are a psycho!" She's pointing at Karma angrily. "If I can get Principal Vernice to realize that Seo was innocent in all of this then maybe he will finally ask me out!" 

You couldn't help but roll your eyes as the girl blushed. 

"Are you ok?" Karma mutters in your ear. 

"Yeah fine," you say sitting up. "Vernice says you're probably going to get expelled."

"That's a joke, he's not expelling his top student over a fight, I might just lose Big 5 privileges, I can always bribe my way back in too." 

You let out a small laugh, leaning into his shoulder.

Karma wraps his arm around your shoulder, "don't worry about me." 

"I don't think I need to."

Asano vs Karma, YN is pullinngggWhere stories live. Discover now