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You'd never consider yourself someone who was up to date with the dating scene; even though you were a highschool student- where dating and the dreaded more than dating ran rampant- you weren't really interested.

Fourth period Biology was your typical class, filled with your average people. You, unlike all the other circumstances thus far, had no friends in this class. Luckily enough, you were assigned lab groups, and forced to make friends, as if you weren't already struggling enough in your Sophomore year. Still, the memory sticks out in your mind like a sore thumb- especially now.

His name was Victor. He was, to your knowledge, awkward and introverted, but extremely smart. He was known throughout the school, not because he was particularly popular, but because at 15 he was making a lot of scientific history. This, of course, had everyone fighting to be his partner in BioLab, convinced that they would not be doing any sort of work with him around.

That is, everyone was fighting for him but you.

You'd been assigned his partner by sheer luck- Miss Bo had quite literally picked his and your name out of a hat, and so you were sentenced to sit with him during fourth period for the rest of the year. It wasn't that bad; he'd talk on and on about anything science, and he seemed genuinely interested in you as a person. It wasn't long before he invited you over- just to work on your final group project.

It was a cloudy day, but the temperature wasn't too cold nor too hot. It was a perfect day for walking home- or playing outside with Thomas. You felt anxious, especially since the last time you'd visited someone else away from your home, you had been no older than five or six, and it had been a close relative.

Somehow, Victor had noticed your discomfort. He slowed his pace and walked next to you, quiet at first. He spoke up after a few moments of silence, asking if you were okay, and telling you that you didn't have to come to his house.

"We could move the project to the school, or even keep it at your house if you'd like. There are plenty of other ways to finish this up, so you don't have to be-"

"No," you'd cut him off, and you felt really bad about it. He looked up at you like he'd been stung, clearly unused to any sort of social reaction. "No," you started again, softer, "I want to go to your house. I'm just... not used to going to other people's places. That's all. I'm... nervous."

There was something about the boy that made you feel like you could trust him. So, you did.

His parents looked very surprised when you showed up- they were decent people, inviting you to stay for dinner but letting you know that you didn't have to. You smiled, and you were polite, and you did everything right.

Thanks to Victor's above-average intelligence, you were able to finish the project within the hour. That left the rest of the afternoon for you both, and while you could have left, you chose to stay.

You talked for hours and hours, and it was evident that he'd never been able to experience that before. He was slow and awkward at first, but it picked up after a bit. You talked about science, about school, about life... You told him about your Dad's situation, and how much you just wanted to be able to go home and not take care of your little brother. You told him you were just so tired of doing what your parents should have, and you just wanted somewhere to go that wasn't home. You wanted to escape from all of those responsibilities that had been forced upon you.

You let everything out. He listened to you, calmly, not putting any input in unless you looked like you wanted him to. He gave great advice, and offered his home as an escape from yours.

He was a great friend. You started seeing his house as your second home, and you both grew closer and closer as the time passed.

Junior year rolled by, and you'd remained in touch. You became his sole reason for upgrading his phone to a smart-phone, and he learned that he could research scientific subjects through the touch of a button. You schooled him on being 'modern' and 'trendy', and he tutored you in any school subject you needed help with. And, of course, you both talked about life.

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