20 Reasons Scorpius Malfoy hates rose weasley

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20 Reasons Scorpius Malfoy hates rose weasley

1.I hate that she's a Gryffindor

2.I hate that she's fat

3.I hate that number 2 is not even true

4.I hate that she has a boyfriend

5.I hate her boyfriend is not me

6.I hate that she's ugly

7.I hate number 6 isn't true.

8.I hate her boyfriend is better looking then me

9.I hate she is the only person that can get a burgler past me

10.I hate this is more about me than her

11.I hate her

12.I hate that 11 is a lie

13.I hate there is no answer for 13

14.I hate that she hates me

15.I hate that she thinks I hate her

16.I hate that I keep playing it along that I hate her

17.I hate this was supposed to be 20 Reasons and there's only 17 reasons

"20 Reasons I hate rose Granger-Weasley" by Scorpius Malfoy Where stories live. Discover now