Chapter 8

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Principal Office

Yuka POV

Moroboshi: Yuka-san, I called you here for discussion something.

Yuka: Discussion something? I've worked under the contract, I'm not doing any wrong, please don't fired me!

Moroboshi: That's not what I want to say, Yuka-san. I want disscuss about Aikatsu System.

When The Principal say about system, I already calmed down and listen him.

Moroboshi: Did you know about power like Shiratori Hime and Nijino Yume? I want you to identify about that around Aikatsu System and their power. I'm sure as long as you work as an engineer here you must also pay attention to that, right?

So he's mean as long I worked as engineering in here he ask me to identify about that system, actually I know what's in the system but I must lie for him.

Yuka: Sorry, I don't know what do you mean, a power? Didn't they just hardworking became idol so that's natural.

Moroboshi: Not like that, long time ago my sister have the same power too and now I've seen two in same time. Because that power my sister can't sing or became an idol anymore.

Yuka: Sorry about your sister, Principal. However, even you ask me to identify about this system I don't know anything about Idol. Maybe you can ask someone who know this. I must back to work, excuse me.

I leave his room, on outside somehow I felt someone was eavesdropping on our discussion, I look around and no one here.











???: Excuce me, Principal.

Moroboshi: Get in.

Someone enter the room and they are S4 and Sensei from each class.

Hime: Principal, why you ask Yuka for identify Aikatsu System?

HibikiSensei: Interesting, you ask an engineering for identify about Aikatsu System, why did you do so far?

Moroboshi: Listen everyone, What happen to my sister I didn't allow that happen again for you, Shiratori Hime.

Hime: Thank you for worried me, Principal. But why you ask him? that what I want to know.

Moroboshi: I feel Yuka have knowing something we don't know about his skill. Did you all agree with me?

Everyone just silent with principal word, however just Hime and Yozora who know Yuka's talent anymore.

Tsubasa: Why you can think like that? Yuka just a boy who want work here, you know?

Moroboshi: I know, that time he even he begged me to work here, but when he's working as engineering somehow he seemed know something a little bit about the system.

HibikiSensei: Like he's know much about Aikatsu System unlike us?

Moroboshi: True.

Yuka is now considered by Principal Moroboshi as someone who knows something about Aiktstu System, and all the Sensei from each class will also supervise Yuka's performance when he's working as engineering.

The Principal ask the All Sensei to monitoring Yuka without being noticed. S4 is also asked to be friends as usual so that Yuka doesn't get suspicious at all.

Aikatsu Star : Hime and Sewer Rat (Shiratori Hime x OC)Where stories live. Discover now