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"We're trying to fit in right?"

"Right." Three boys answered, one quieter than the other two.

"So we can't wear anything too fancy or..... ya know... 'rich kid', so any suggestions?" The boy with dog tags said as he looked through one of the other boys' closet.

"How about a t-shirt?"

"A sweater..."


"NO ONE IS GOING TO WEAR A SKIRT, SKY! I don't even think any of us own one..." The boy yelled at the one with sunglasses.

"Well you did ask for suggestions, Mitch~" Sky said in a taunting tone.

"Thanks." Mitch deadpanned.

"I wonder how my bodyguard would react to me wearing a skirt."

The three boys turned to look at the quiet one.


"Well, anyway a sweater or just a regular t-shirt sounds better than a skirt. I'm pretty sure that would make us stand out more." Zek huffed, messing with his headphones. A curt 'hmpf' was Sky's response.

"Seriously though, what the hell Seto?"

In case you're too lazy to read the description or tags, this story is about Youtubers like the Yogscast, Setosorcerer and MunchingBrotato. There will be some others (minecraft related calm down). Bajan, Sky, Seto, and Zek are famous teenage models (don't ask) moving to a small town where they have to go to public school. the tschool is head over heels, except for a group of 4 teenagers

The idea of the story is not mine. Please read the description.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2015 ⏰

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