Chapter 1

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"You sure you don't want to go out? Maddie, Claire, and Jaxon are all going." My best friend, well, my only friend really, and beta, Philip asked. 

He was taking a few friends out to the human world for a few drinks. For what, I'm not so sure of. I guess for fun. 

I, on the other hand, wasn't too interested in going. I just wanted to stay home. But he has been bothering me to go all week. 

"No, Phil. I'm okay. I got... Things to do." I mutter, looking down at unfinished paperwork on my desk, fiddling with a page in front of me. "Plus, I don't like drinking anyways. Doesn't make me feel all too great the next morning. Regardless of how much I consume." 

"You don't even have to drink. You can just join because your friends are going." 

"I don't have friends other than you, Philip. Besides, we all know how it's going to be. You and Maddie are going to be in your whole own world together and Claire and Jaxon will be in theirs. We both know that's what it's like with mates. And I'll be the lonely 5th wheel guy at the corner of the bar with no one to talk to other than the bartender who will just feel bad for me. No thanks." 

Philip sighed, his shoulders slumping. "Fine. Okay. I thought I'd just offer if you would've cared to join." He said, raising his hands up in defense. "I shouldn't be gone for too long. You have my number in case something happens and you need me to come back." 

And with that, he was gone. Closing my office door behind him. 

I could've gone with them. But what I said was true. No one ever really pays any attention to me. Especially when their mate is around. I would just be there, awkwardly watching them going on about their own conversations, enjoying each others company without actually really talking to the other couple. Maybe to only chime in a few quick words every now and again, if they overhear the other couple's conversation and want to add to it. And then go back to their own.  

As someone who doesn't have that kind of connection with anyone, I decided that it was just best if I spent most of my time alone. It's not like anyone would really care if I was with them or not. And no one tends to bother me. Just how I like it. 

Unless your name is Philip Brown, that is. 

My father was best friends with his for years. Once we were born, we were practically friends from that point, on, as well. He was really my only friend growing up. I really wasn't sociable to begin with. But being the alpha's son, I guess everyone else found me intimidating. Except for Philip. 

He really put an effort into staying around me. He was like a golden retriever. Always trying to make me happy, and was always in a good mood. We just about spent every waking moment together up until I became alpha a little over a year ago. Once dad died, I was put in place as alpha. Because that's how my pack does it. If you have a kid, or kids, and you're alpha, then your kid, or the first born, becomes alpha. Or if the first born doesn't want to become alpha, then it's the next oldest. 

With being an only child, I didn't have a choice in if I was going to be alpha or not. But someone had to fill the role when father died. So, why not someone who knew the role? 

I, of course, made Philip my second in command. We may not spend every moment together anymore. But I still entrust him to that title. He's truly the only one I can rely on in this kind of world. He truly is my brother, and I know he feels the same way. 

I'm not sure how long I was sitting there, doing paperwork, but there was a knock at the door, pulling me out of it. But with the stack to my right, being a good 6 inches tall of finished paperwork, I knew it must've been a couple hours. 

I looked at the alarm clock I had on my desk, which confirmed it. 

8:17pm. Philip left at around 5:30. 

Before I could fully lift my head up to say come in, I was hit with a smell. It was so... Delicious. 

Every fiber of my body wanted to cover myself in it. It was pine and hibiscus. 

I had to fight every urge to not rush to the door and rip it clean off its hinges. 

"Come in." I said through almost gritted teeth. My fists were clenching the end of my desk, putting imprints of my fingers into the hardwood and making it splinter. 

The door opened, and entered Philip. I could see two guards behind him. But I knew the scent wasn't coming from them. I could barely see a tuft of matted hair over Philip's shoulder. Which meant the scent was coming from whoever was standing behind him, and in between the guards, who I assume had a hold on the person. 

"I thought you were going to be out longer, Phil." I said, trying to contain myself and calm down. "I didn't expect you home so soon." 

He just shrugged his shoulders. "We were gone for 2.5 hours. Plus Jaxon got sick from drinking too much too fast. So we came home. But we found this girl walking around the perimeter on our way back. We think she's a rogue. So we brought her to you." 

I gulped at the thought of a girl. "Okay? Why wouldn't you just take care of her yourself? You are beta after all." I said, finally releasing my grip on my desk. There were splinters in my palms, so I slowly picked them out, letting the wounds heal on their own. It took my mind off of the scent for a second. 

"Well.. I'm not sure how to really deal with her." He said nervously, scratching the back of his neck. He was still blocking the girl. So I had no idea how to assess her or the situation. "What do you mean?" I asked through a tight jaw. 

"Well.. I think she may be blind. She tried attacking us when we got her, but she very clearly missed us by a long shot." He said, and as soon as he finished speaking, he stepped out of the way, revealing the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. 

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