Chapter 8

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I didn't leave Maddie and Philip's room all day, other than Maddie helping me with another shower. She put me in some of her clothes, which fit way better than Sam's or Philip's. Even if they were still a little big.

Philip brought me up some water, to drink throughout the day, and occasionally brought me snacks, like cookies, another ham and cheese sandwich, and some doritos. I really liked the doritos. I munched through half the family size bag in one sitting. He says they're from the human world, and him and Maddie go once a week, to get human snacks.

"How you feeling?" It was Maddie.

The door closing made a little thud to my left, then her light footsteps came over to the bed. I felt it dip underneath her.

"I'm okay." I offered. Even though, again, I was going a little stir crazy. I was kind of tired just staring at their reddish-orangish-purpilish bedsheets, and what seems to be matching window blinds.

"How's your shoulder? Still hurting?" She asked, gently putting a hand on the arm in the sling. I shook my head no. It hadn't been bothering me all day. She slightly pulled at the collar of the shirt I was wearing and made a happy little hum. "It's not as bruised as it was this morning, when you showered. With how it's looking, I'm assuming you'll be fully healed by tomorrow."

Apparently, her mother was the doctor who examined me, yesterday. So, I assume she's dabbled in medicine throughout the years.

But tomorrow. Why does that sound so soon?

I sigh.

"Is something wrong?" Maddie asked, concern laced in her voice. I went to speak, but I couldn't find the words to say. So I just closed my mouth.

"Shiloh. If something is bothering you, you can tell me."

Tears threatened to fall. I don't understand why I'm so emotional. I should be happy I get to leave soon.

"I've been so desperate to leave since Phil found me..." I whisper, the tears finally coming. They stung my eyes, and I tried blinking them away. "I've been alone all this time.. It's what I'm used to.. It's what I've originally wanted... But..." A lump caught in my throat. I tried swallowing, but it wouldn't go away.

"I'm tired of running." I finally admit. The tears coming faster, wetting my cheeks and falling off my chin, like when it rains, and the water falls off the edge of a roof. "I'm tired of being alone. Of not being wanted.. But I have such a hard time trusting people... I was abandoned for something that I can't control. The people who I loved most, and who were supposed to love and protect me.. left me to fucking DIE!" I sobbed, lifting a hand to my mouth to muffle it.

"Oh, baby girl." Maddie cried, wrapping me in her soft embrace. "I'm so sorry you had to go through this. It must have been so traumatic and terrifying. I simply cannot imagine." She said, holding me as close as possible.

We sat like this for a few moments, before the door slammed open, almost sounding like it came off it's hinges.

I jumped, almost falling into Maddie and knocking her off the bed. My immediate reaction was to stop sobbing and look towards the door. And I saw a familiar silhouette.

"Who's ass do I have to kick?"


I started to cry again. "Sam..." I balled. I felt Maddie's weight leave the bed, and his replace it. He lifted me into his lap and I wrapped my good arm around his neck. I heaved against him, my chest rising with rattling breaths, touching his in the process.

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