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I was up all night reading because i find myself getting lost in the words and an escape from reality.
Because of this im running on about 30 minutes of sleep and i threw off my clothes and hopped in the shower.
I fell the warm water raining down on me from my hair.. to my shoulders down to my chest and now falling down
....my arms. I couldnt stop cutting myself. I cant. As im done showering i blow dry my hair and throw on a pair of low rise
baggy jeans and a white corsetted top i also grab my grey true religion sweater in case i got cold since it is winter in england now.

I throw on the sweater unzipped as I grab my white earphones plug them in and played chase atlantic the whole drive to the airport
i knew it was gonna be silent in the car. we had absolutly nothing to say to eachother so why even bother?
What felt like hours i finally arrived at the airport and i grab my black suitcase and as i enter those doors i feel a wave of exaustion
hitting my face. I soon realized i had almost no sleep so i checked the time 9:05 am. Ok so if its 9:05 am in America it should be about
2:05 pm in England and my flight leaves at 10:00 OK! i do have enough time to get coffee. I went through baggage checking and all that
now i have about 30 minutes till boarding. Soon i find myself roaming around the airport looking for some sort of coffee shop AHAAAA! i scream of victory
and excitement a bit too loud seeing as the expression on people wasnt happiness but annoyence but i couldnt care less i NEEEDED that coffee.
I ran to the starbucks got my coffee and by the time i was done it was boarding time

SHIT! IM ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE AIRPORT before i knew it i was running so fast my luggage could not even keep up with me and was flipping left to right.
I make it to the boarding thingy out of breath panting with my hands on my knees as i hear a kind womans voice say "LAST CALL FOR HAYLEY CALDWELL IF YOU ARE NOT HERE IN FIVE MINUTES
GATES WILL BE CLOSING" I run to the lady "wa- wait thats me i say feeling like im about to pass out. She looks at me in confusion but not caring enough to ask why and i give her my ticket and and im going to my seat i see stares of anger, annoyence, fustration, i kept muttering "sorry" as i passed through but i couldnt help but feel scared remembering how my ex father use to beat me, the looks of complete rage i saw and he always lashed out on me both physically and mentally. I snap out of my thoughts as i reach my seat. It was on the very last row in the window seat. I could have chosen any other seat but 1st class was booked and i liked peace and quiet and being alone sometimes so i got the whole row. Just as i thought i was gonna have some quiet i hear cries just in front of me "great" i thought to myslef "just great." the cries didnt stop for about another 40 minutes or so. I could not sleep now so i pulled a book out and ate some snacks. Soon i felt a light tap on my shoulder and i flinched. "sorry to bother you but the plan is landing so if you could fasten your seat belt, thank you." I dont bother to grab my things as soon as the plane came to a stop because i knew it would me a while till i got off since i was in the back.

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