Part 3 - Daydreaming all over again

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Had someone told Dream they would be standing outside of a nation that was once 'grand', now held together by sticks and stones and some shitty rope

They would laugh in your face

But now the blond stood outside that once great country, looking at a crowd in confusion behind the mask

Dressed in a soft, pastel lime green sweater, a couple of white fluffy clouds dancing across one of the shoulders and down the arm, paired with a high waisted set of overall jeans, one of the straps falling off their shoulder like the sweater

The ends rolled up to cuff at the ankles, bare feet against the earth and covered in mud and stray broken grass strands, hands hidden by the long sleeves and their hair was fluffy and long on weak looking shoulders of dainty pale skin

A few small decorations decorated golden and white hair, little braids with ravens feathers and and flowers through them, done throughout the braids and hair, tucked behind slightly pointed ears

Around their neck was part of a sleeveless turtleneck sweater, on their face that white smiley face mask with a black painted face, dangling down were two semi long strands of string with beads of glass in the color soft blue, a few crackled and speckled with black dots and shards

Contrasting the harsh, rough appearance of the Dream that had been locked up

They shifted slightly where they stood, hunched in on themselves to seem smaller, but when they did stretch, arms above their head and bending their back slightly back, they appeared taller, if not on par or even a slight bit shorter than the ever presently tall enderman hybrid teenager

Their skin was clear of any damage, from the way the sleeves ran down their wrists to the elbow, no scars were seen on fingers or feet or hands, not even their neck or shoulder and collar bone that peaked out

Even if their feet should be burnt and scarred from ruggedly carved obsidian and burning rock and lava walls

There was no horn, no tail, no scars, no monster

Just a normal looking person wearing a mask

They looked.....shy

Surprised by all the people, but trying to be confident as they slowly raised a hand to wave, their voice that similar to a meadows cry in the wind

"Er- um, hi? I...I think I'm lost? Is this this L'manburg?" They asked, hair falling against the mask as they tilted their head slightly

Their voice, oh Prime their voice

It was soft and strained, scared to be raise too loud, people had to strain an ear to even hear the poor man

How the hungry for vengeance filled eyes settled on them, their fingers tugging on their own skin and sleeve hem

Nails pulled at each other, nails that were once ripped out and removed themself

The ravens hummed, settling closer to the figure, closer to them all

The ravens seemed to coo loudly, as if the figure was a baby, a chick flying from the nest for the first time

As if it has returned after so many years being away

The crowd watched the figure as they slowly raised a hand, waving slightly before pulling on a braid and fiddling with the hem of their sweater.

"The fuck do you mean 'is this L'manburg'?" Someone- Quackity -had yelled from the crowd.

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