Part 4 - Looking for a reason

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"My name is Dream, I'm looking for my partner, Nightmare" Dream stated, mask looking ahead and their eyes behind it trained on the three, the anger inside them twisting up and up their throat into sickness and wretched flinching at the slightest of movement

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Came a call from the horizon, and eyes half from the crowd and the ravens turned towards the sound, Quackity in particular spun around, catching sight of the blonde teen in the tree

"Tommy?" George questioned beside the duck, taking off his glasses to squint into the space where the sun often set

"Fuck- TOMMY STAY THERE!" Quackity yelled, George nearly ready to knock him upside the head if not for Sapnap stopping him by grabbing his shoulders and moving him away from his fiance

"FUCK YOU BITCH!" Tommy shouted, scrambling down the tree and clambering down the pathway with Tubbo and Ranboo hot on his heels

"Here he comes..." Sapnap muttered, slightly distained from the teen

From down the high hill to down the wooden pathway and down the road, all the way to the crowd with an anger and a blade pulled free from his inventory

"What the fuck is Dream doing out of prison?" Tommy, all too calm in his words, demanded to know, and Quackity sighed, but Dream spoke up, even going so far as stepping slightly away from Ant

"Does everyone already know my name or-" Tommy shouted over them, anger returning and startling the taller blonde

"SHUT UP!" Tommy spun towards Dream, holding out the blade and waving it like a fool as he marched to the opening of the crowd, nearly in Dream's face, but pulled back by Tubbo

"Sorry" Dream muttered, flinching, crossing arms over their mask and chest, arms braced together

Tommy paused, looking up at that mask and noticing the edges, how unchipped it was and the cracks that once were there he got to see so often, so close up, were gone

No scars, that voice was softer and quieter and apologized without hesitation, this voice was not harsh and this skin was not scarred and ruined by war and bloodshed

Tommy grabbed hold of their sleeve and yanked, kicking his foot into Dream's knee, forcing them to fall back, so now Tommy loomed over them with the crowd staying behind but whispering amongst themselves

" Who are you " Tommy hissed

This was not Dream, not the monster who locked them away, who beat them to death and marked and ruined them with blood and soot and blades

This was not the monster who tormented them for months, in exile, all through the war and their life on this server

This person had hands that looked soft and skin unblemished except for freckles

This was not the monster Tommy knew

"Dream! My name is Dream!" The person repeated, their voice was warbled and uneven, on the verge of frustration and breaking down

Blades constantly pointed at their skin, threatened and mocked, mind falling apart so easily in the unusual land that they had ventured to

" Wrong ! That bitch is in prison , you are not him"

"PLEASE!" Dream screamed, curling with a hand in their hair and pulling, on their knees and hunched over the grass, pleading under their breath

"Please I'm sorry, I'm sorry I'm sorry, I'll go, I'm sorry!" Dream repeated, head pressed to the dirt, hands interlocked over their neck, hair sticking up in all directions as it cling between fingers and sweating skin beating under the sun

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