Part 6 - Pandora's vault And Warden

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People often speak of Pandora's vault like it's nothing at all

A casual mention in conversation

But for Sam, it couldn't be anymore different

The building looms in his shadow, heavy on his shoulders and weighing him down under the waves of anxiety and fear

Choking him up inside, he begs to scream out every horrid thing he's seen

From the blood that smelled of rot, to the way the body he was forced to check on was twitching and laughing

Seeing bones stick out, head twisted and undying figure before him breaking and cracking everything to pulp before taking form in a pool of darkness overtaking the corner

It stained his armor, his skin, just fighting back

Trying to find anything human in that empty void of horror was everything terrible

Even as he entered the building he hardly left, stepping inside, he nearly screamed, a flock of ravens before him inside his entrance hall

All looked towards him, cocking heads and twitching like the broken pile of bones often did before him

Some held bones in their mouth, some together, others screamed and flew around the air

They called to him, like they did the others in the days of Dream's imprisonment

To let him be free

To scream and cry out for their master

A sickening thing

They wanted him free, but wanted everyone else

To perish so they could feast on them all

To stain their feathers glossy red over rainbow black

From land to walls, down the path, stain it all in red and pick the flesh off bit by bit

All of them inside his prison

His last thing, his only thing

It was all his, beloved and keep

Where he was a prisoner to his own creation

The feeling in his gut began the moment the birds grouped together, and he held his breath, watching

The feeling in his gut twisting and knotting up his stomach, catching any air he tried to suck in

Grinding in a morbid dictation of suffocation, of bile and gunpowder, mixing together in his throat

The prison of his was stained in the taste of redstone dust, yet he wanted nothing more than to flip a switch and blow up in every direction like a bomb of TNT

His feet carried him past the birds, even as they all screamed at him and tried to follow, he just did his best to ignore them

They couldn't be real

They weren't real

The birds were not real

The prison would hold strong, and he would be strong with it

Even for as short of a time it's been since the beginning of its usage

Despite his desire to lay down and break down crying, to kick and scream at the damn place

Even as he wished to make the place crumble and take the beast with it

He hesitated at the desk, taking his seat, his throne, his place in the plan and order

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