Welp, when life gives you lemons⌫

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A LITTLE after Kusuo took his hand away from my leg the waitress came back with all our drinks. She wore a beautiful smile, while handing us our drinks.

"Are you guys ready to order your food now?" She smiled as she looked at all of us.

Just like when we ordered Mikoto went first. Just like that we all ordered out food, of course one of us had to have a voice crack; this time it was Reita. It played out sort of like this, "Uhm yeah I would like a cinnAmon roll." Mikoto held laughter, I looked at him and smiled since I did the same thing not that long ago; Reita looked at me held back some laughter as well. But after we all ordered our food, and the waitress left to go notify the cook, I looked intensely at Mikoto, when she finally realized she just stared back, which turned into a staring contest.

Unluckily for her, I was a total pro at staring contests, she ended up losing. After she blinked she rubbed her eyes and looked at me. "How the hell are you able to keep your eyes open for that long, N/n?" Mikoto said still rubbing her eyes, I just laughed a bit.

"You realize who I grew up with right. Winning against Kusuo is litterally impossible. So I guess I just got good over the years," I replied raising my eyebrows as I continued to watch Mikoto rub her eyes.

'ha ha very funny y/n' Kusuo says looking at me very unamused.

"You act like it is an inaccurate statement. Even though all four of us know it isn't," I say deadpanning towards Kusuo. Kusuo just narrowed his eyes at you, which you returned the gesture, narrowing of the eyes. After a while neither of you backed down from what turned into another staring contest, started out as you guys glaring at each other to a full blown out staring contest. For what felt like forever you could barely keep your eyes open anymore, and Kusuo seemed unfazed. Just as you were about to blink, Kusuo did instead. Which surpised you because Kusuo was the competitive type, not really know to back down as long as it didn't bring too much attention to him. After seeing him blink, I closed my eyes and rubbed them a bit to try to make them hydrated again.

Soon you felt better after not even a minute of rubbing you eyes, you looked at Kusuo, that's when it really settled in your mind. You had won a staring contest against Kusuo. The first one ever, even though you knew that he purposely let you win, you felt overwhelmed with happiness. So much so that you smiled uncontrollably, rubbing your hands together a bit.

'okay okay calm down Y/n. Don't make me regret letting you win,' Kusuo said because he could feel that you were freaking out about this in your mind.

"Haha, like you would. You know you love me to an extent," I said looking at him not holding back my smile at all.

'I guess,' Kusuo said back then just looked at the other two who were giving each other that one look again. In response to seeing the shared look the other two were giving each other, Kusuo rolled his eyes and took a sip of his tea. I had also saw this look and just tilted my head.

"You guys are like a little old couple I swear. Arguing here and there then back to normal like nothing even happened. Its adorable actually," Mikoto said while smiling to herself, which caused Reita to nod and smile as well. This caused Kusuo to shoot them glare, as if there was something only those three knew. I just shrugged it off and decided to check my phone for a bit. just to end up seeing I had a lot more notifications compared to earlier. So I decided to check them. After about 10 ish minutes I put my phone away, again as if it were timed, the waitress gave us our food that we ordered. She had asked us for any refills which, both Mikoto and I took up on the offer.

Almost instantaneously after we had gotten out food, we ate some; Reita was about 2 bites in before he decided to exclaim," Bros, this shit is so good. Anyone want a bite?"

𝘿𝙊 𝙄𝙏 𝙁𝙊𝙍 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝙂𝙍𝘼𝙈 𝘽𝘼𝙀, KUSUO SAIKIWhere stories live. Discover now