Don't you dare leave me, again

788 3 3

Present Mic = Hizashi Yamada
Eraserhead = Shōta Aizawa
Idrc bout the rest🤭
Aizawa age: 31
Hizashi age: 31

S3lf H@rm (Implied)
Excessive drug usage (Implied)

Hizashi went missing, presumed dead, for over 5 months. Shōta didn't know how to deal with the 'lose' of his good friend, so, he started taking his despair out on himself, by cutting and taking an unhealthy amount of Panadol at once. It wasn't the best way to cope but it worked for Shōta.

Third Person:
It was the 8 month mark since Hizashi went missing, he was reported as deceased when it was the 5 month mark, he was given a grave stone and funeral. Shōta was furious at the police for not looking for him hard enough, but he was even more upset with himself for letting his good friend (very good friend😏) get taken. Midnight was awfully worried for Shōta's mental well-being, he did not look physical well either. He wasn't falling asleep at all, not at work even. Nezu suggested that he take a few weeks off to relax, rewind and just collect himself a bit, but stubborn Shōta polity declined. He worked long hours as a homeroom teacher, and him being a pro hero.

Shōta felt so guilty that he visited Hizashi's 'grave' each day, even if it was in the middle of the night or late afternoon, he'd still go. He would bring pointless flowers that would just lay next to the tombstone until they were removed. Shōta wasn't, and still isn't, a man of very many emotions, however, whenever he visits Hizashi's grave he'd let himself go. He'd cry, vent, yell or a combination of all three, like no one was watching.

Until one weekend, while Shōta was visiting Hizashi, doing his normal vent, he felt like someone was watching him, he felt like this for the past few weeks but never thought anything of it. "God, i'm such a horrible fucking friend." Shōta criticised himself, still feeling that uncomfortable sense of being watched. He heard the crunch of leaves behind him, approaching him. "Who's there." He questioned, as he thought he was alone. There was no reply, the crunching leaves just got closer, Shōta turned around to see who was there.

What Shōta saw was a tall male, long blond hair that rested on his shoulders, he was wearing a black leather collared jacket, which was ripped, black pants, and had dark blue headphones around his neck. The male was holding his right arm, by the elbow, like he was wounded. The man's face had this lost expression to it, Shōta stood up straightening his posture. He walked over to the man, "Is it really you?" He questioned wiping away the tears he just shed, "Hizashi?" The blond man looked not all there, he was staring at Shōta like he was a mystical being. The man didn't know what to say or even do, 'Hizashi' he's heard the name before, he just doesn't know where.

The man walked past Shōta, who was watching him very closely, and went to Hizashi Yamada's grave. He touched the cold stone with his scarred hand, Shōta noticed that the man had cuts and bruises all over him. "Who" The mystery man started to speak, his voice was quite like he was scared to speak, "who is this?" Shōta stepped next to the man, placing his right hand on his shoulder, this made the man tense up. "This is my friend" Shōta began, trying to compose himself, "he went missing 8 months ago." The man glanced down at Shōta, as he was only slightly taller, "was he nice?" The man spoke softly, Shōta nodded. "Yes, he was the best" he smiled softly up at the man, who's eyes were a bring green, just like his 'dead' friend.

The man wondered off to a near by tree, Shōta followed behind. Then sat down, leaning against the trunk of the tree, he stared at Shōta as if he was analysing him, "do ... Do I know you?" He questioned staring deeply into Shōta's empty black eyes. "I know you, but i don't know if u remember me. I'm Shōta Aizawa" Shōta spoke, taking a seat in front of the man, "do you remember who you are?" He didn't want to ask this, as it could mean that whoever took Hizashi did something to him, something horrible. The man just stared at Shōta, then he glanced down at the ground, "I don't remember..." he muttered looking back up at Shōta, who had a concerned look, "you okay, Aizawa?" The man questioned, using Shōta's last name. Shōta nodded, "want to get out of here?" He inquired standing up reaching his hand out for the man, which he took. "Where we going though?" The man wondered following Shōta. "To my house" Shōta stated, he wasn't sure what happened to Hizashi but he knew he wasn't himself.

The two walked in awkward silence to Shōta's house, it started to rain lightly. Shōta didn't know if he should talk or not, he decided to just stay quite. Once they made it to Shōta's house, his house wasn't the biggest but it wasn't small either it was big enough for him. His house was a light grey on the outside, with a small front garden that had rope swing which was attached to tree.

When they entered, the were greeted by a small feline friend, a cat with pure white fur, and light blue eyes. Shōta crouched down and scratched under it's chin, "hello Miku" Shōta smiled slightly. Miku... that name sounded so familiar to the man. "Do you want anything to eat or drink?" Shōta questioned gazing up at the man. "Yea sure" he replied, wondering into the living room. This place looked way too familiar, the cream walls, the maroon sofa, the random painting and pictures of cats. It felt weirdly familiar and he didn't know why.

Flash Back:
It was a Friday afternoon, Shōta and Hizashi were in the staff room, Hizashi was marking a stupid amount of English papers while Shōta was skimming over the new students' profiles. "Hey Yamada" Shōta muttered, "want to get something to eat" he suggested, it was a surprise to Hizashi that Shōta was actually asking him out to eat. "Uh, I've got a lot of marking to do still" Hizashi replied, this made Shōta sigh knowing that was going to be the case. "Eh it's ok, i guess" he sounded very disappointed, then went back to the profiles. Hizashi has been avoiding Shōta recently, not on purpose, he's been focused on work more than his social life, which was very unfair to Shōta. "You know what" Hizashi spoke Shōta turned his attention to Hizashi, "fuck it, lets go eat" he declared grabbing his coat, motioning for Shōta to get his ass out of his seat and follow.

Once they reach a somewhat nice looking place to eat, they entered and found a small booth. "What would you like tonight gentlemen?" A tall, slim male with short brown hair asked the two. They both order the same thing, ramen (Idk names of food people 🙁). "This place is pretty nice!" Cheered Hizashi, Shōta smiled slightly, eating his ramen.  "Yeah" he agreed, brushing his hair out of his face.

After eating dinner, the two left the restaurant. "Yo Sho! Wanna hang out tomorrow?" Hizashi questioned, grinning widely. "Uh sure" Shōta replied, "where will we go? Or do even." He added, Hizashi stopped in his tracks. "Thats a very good question!" Hizashi joked, "Why don't we hang out at your house" He wondered, Hizashi loved seeing Miku, and  Hizashi needed to see if Shōta was harming himself. Hizashi knew that Shōta harmed himself, and has asked him about it but Shōta denied the accusation. "Umm. Why not your place?" Shōta really didn't want Hizashi to come over to his place. "Nah, my place is all messy" Sighed Hizashi, "and I don't feel like cleaning" He was lying, his place wasn't messy. Shōta nodded in agreement then continued to walk home. When they got to the intersection, where they went separate ways, they said their goodnights, Hizashi's overly enthusiastic and Shōta's quieter than usual.

Da Next Day

There was a knock on Shōta's bedroom window. Shōta was still alseep, it was 10:25am, Hizashi was ment to be there are 10 which he was. "Oi, Shōtaaa" Whined Hizashi, "let me in!!" He yelled, that woke sleeping beauty up with a grumble. When Shōta saw a man standing outside his window, he swore violently falling off his bed.

After Hizashi was inside and petting Miku, while sitting on a maroon sofa, Shōta had fallen back asleep on Hizashi's shoulder. "Seriously, you need sleep" he mumbled at the passed out Shōta Aizawa.
(Sorry that was stupidly long i got carried away with writing 😃)

The man stood there, eyes filled with tears that were slowly falling. "I'm" he began, turning to Shōta, Shōta turned toward him confused, "I'm Hizashi Yamada... aren't I" he wiped his left eye, rubbing his now moistened cheek. Shōta walked up to him, he reached out to hold Hizashi's hands. "Yes, you are" Shōta smiled, he wiped Hizashi's tears away, "I thought you didn't remember" he added very confused. "I remember hanging out with you." Hizashi spoke, he knelt down next to Miku, "and this lovely kitty" he laughed, he didn't look lost anymore. Hizashi may not remember anything else, but Shōta was glad he remembered him.


Yea ok i didn't know how do end it so i just ended it 😃.
So uh idk if this will actually get readers or smth but if you ended up reading it well good job, my grammar is shit but i try🧍

Ok bye ig

Love you all 😻😻

Words: 1638😨

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