Chapter 6

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I didn't really wanna talk to Niall when we got back to his house. No matter how many times he tried to start a conversation, I would give him one word answers or no answers at all.

"Come on Narissa, talk to me I'm beggin'," he said plopping down in the recliner.

I just watched the tv and acted like I didn't hear him.

"Oh no ya don't," he said getting up and coming at me. I didn't know why I wasn't scared of him, especially with his tattoos and piercing. I bet behind all of that he's actually incredibly attractive. He was actually really attractive with them.

"So you'll ogle me and bite your lip but you won't talk to me," he smirked.

My face heated up and I covered my face. "Dear God." I was mortified.

"Now, will you please talk to me?" he asked with pleading eyes. I couldn't speak because of my embarrassment so I just nodded. "Good, now tell me about yourself."

"You first," I said finally taking my hands down.

"No, I asked you first."

"But I asked second." I said giggling.

"We're really gonna act like children now," he chuckled shaking his head.

"How about this, let's play twenty questions and that way we say an equal amount of info to each other. Sound fair enough?"

"Hm, yeah it does. But I ask you a question first."

"Ok shoot."

He held up his fingers in a gun position, "bang, you're dead."

"That was stupid. You lose we're not doing this," I said and started getting up. I couldn't get far since my ankle was out of commission and I almost fell over. I was expecting to hit the floor, but I didn't. The impact I felt was Niall's arm wrapping around me to keep me from coming in contact with the ground.

"You know you're hurt and you still try to walk around and try to get away from me." he winked.

"Thank you for catching me." I said rolling my eyes. He picked me up bridal style and put me back on the couch and put my legs on his lap so he could sit near me.

"So, the first question. How long have you wanted to model?"

I looked away, thinking about his question. "Probably after I moved in with the James'. They always told me that I could be whatever I wanted to be no matter how crazy it was. I think that's why Alec started getting involved with it."

"So Alec isn't gay?" he asked.

"Um, no it's my turn." I sassed back. He picked his hands up in surrender and chuckled.

"Let's see... this is silly, but how old are you?" I asked shyly.

"Old enough. My turn," he smirked.

My mouth gaped at his words. "That's not fair."

"I'm 23. Happy? Now my turn. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?"

I blushed because the memory immediately hit me.


"Oh, no no no. You are gonna tell me," he said shaking his head.

I sighed. "Ok. When I was 15, Alec snuck me and him into a night club. I got really trashed and lost sight of him. I started asking people where my brother was and if anyone had seen him. So this guy told me he was in a booth and to follow him and I did. Long story, short I made out with a grown man and threw up all over him when Alec found us."

Niall started laughing, hard. He held his stomach and tears formed in his eyes.

"Oh God, that's rich." he gasped.

"Yeah, yeah I get it. It's hilarious." I rolled my eyes.

"And you full on made out with the guy?"

"Yes." I said hanging my head in shame.

"That really is rich."

"My turn! How long have you lived in the states?"

"For about two years now. I didn't plan on moving here it just sorta happened," he said.

We went back and forth for about an hour before the pain in my ankle became unbearable. He hurried to the kitchen to get my medicine and some water. I took it and things began to get hazy.


"Yes Narissa?"

"I didn't know you were a twin. Introduce us."

He looked at me like I had grown a second head. "I don't have a twin Narissa. What the hell are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about Mr. Handsome right next to you silly."

He chuckled. "Rissy, I think your meds are kicking in a little too strong. How many fingers am I holding up love?" he asked holding up his hand.

"Well you have four fingers up and your twin has four fingers up so eight!" I said giggling.

He started laughing at me and I didn't like that. I started tearing up and when he realized he wiped my tears and cooed me.

"I'm not a damn child you know," I started slurring. The room was spinning and getting dark.

"Rissy, I think your meds are wee bit stronger than they should be."

"But I feel great and my ankle doesn't even hurt. See?" I kicking my bad ankle in the air. It really didn't hurt but Niall just had to grab it and put it back in his lap. I pouted.

"You may not feel it now, but if I let you keep doing that you'll regret it when the meds wear off."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and looked everywhere but him.

"Alright, if you're gonna act like a kid, I'll treat ya like one," he said getting up from the couch and then picking me up bridal style and carried me up the stairs.

"Put me down you asshole."

"Rissy! Children don't use that kind of language," he was still laughing. I started kicking my legs again but he got irritated that time and gripped them incredibly.

"Rissy stop. I'm walking up the stairs. You'll hurt the both of us if you keep this up," I got nervous and all of a sudden, the room went dark and his voice that was frantic began to fade...






A/N: OMG guys I'm so happy right now. Things are really great and I'm really happy even though because something really great has happened to me and I'm really excited about and that's all bye babes







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