Chapter 3

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I could still feel their hands on my body. The tingle of their fingers lingered on my skin. It kept making me shiver. Silent tears were falling down my face and they had been since I woke up. I looked at the clock on Niall's nightstand. 2:30. This was going to be a long night. It felt like it was hours when I knew it was only minutes but they dragged on. I couldn't take it anymore. A small part of me kept saying to wake Niall up, but I didn't want to. So I just rolled over on my back and looked up at the ceiling while hoping for sleep to come. All the while, I was still crying. I felt dirty. Like those guys were still touching, - violating - me. I wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone ever. The adrenaline had long since worn off. My throbbing ankle didn't make matters any better because the more I cried the more everything hurt. My ankle, my head, my eyes, my body. It all just ached. I finally gave in. I made my way out of the comfortable bed and carefully put my feet on the cold floor. I wanted to go to the bathroom and take a scalding hot shower to wash away this filthy feeling off my body. Holding onto the edge of the bed, I slowly walked toward the bathroom. It was painful walking on my ankle, but I kept trying to push myself to go farther. Just before I got to the end of the bed, I stepped wrong with my bad ankle and fell with a soft thud. The pain only intensified when I tried the stand up again. Now I was sobbing on the floor in a stranger's house with a hurt ankle because of sick freaks who I crossed paths with because I had to attempt to walk home after the cab left me because Perrie forgot her goddamn purse in the club. I never asked for this shit I thought to myself as the sobs began to rack my body. I hadn't been sobbing long when I heard Niall moving. He groaned in tired frustration until he realized it was me. He was immediately at my side. His eyes were filled with concern.

"Narissa, are you alright? What happened?"

I tried to stop crying but the tears kept coming. "I cou-couldn't sl-sleep. So I tried t-to get up and t-take a shower. An-and I f-fell now I-I can't get up," I said breaking into sobs once more. He pulled me into his arms and I sobbed in his chest. We stayed that way for a while before I heard Niall sigh. It wasn't a frustrated sigh though, it sounded like he could understand my pain which I was grateful for.

"Do you still want to take a shower?" He asked in a voice that you would speak to a crying child with. I simply nodded my head not trusting my voice.

"Well here's the thing love, you can't stand on that ankle so you're gonna have to take a bath. Is that ok?" I just nodded again.

He got up and walked over the bathroom and soon I heard water running. Five mintues later, he emerged with a kind look on his face. He approached me with caution like I was unstable, - which I was. Even though I knew it was him and that I trusted that he wouldn't hurt me, I kept thinking back to the men who attacked me. The thought of them brought back the unwanted images and feelings from just a few hours ago. I began to cry again. Niall rushed toward me when he saw my tears. He gently wiped them away and hugged me.

"Hey, listen you're ok nothing is going to happened to you I promise," he whispered gently in my ear, soothing me. "The bath has been drawn. Let me know when you're done so I can give you some clothes. If you need help, just yell ok?" He asked tilting my head back so I could look into his deep blue eyes. I nodded as he stood us up to walk over to the bathroom. He carefully sat me on the toilet in the large bathroom. I stared at the closed door after he walked out then looked around the bathroom in wonder. It was big and white with tiled floors and black marble countertops. The tub big enough for two with a detectable shower head at the top and rectangle window near the farside of the tub that let darkness in giving the time away.

I striped quickly and carefully and eased myself into the warm water. It smelled heavenly. I looked over to see that Niall put some lavender scented bath salts in the water because the container was sat next to the towels he left for me on the large rim of the tub. I just sat back and relaxed, the water was so calming to my nerves that I started to drift to sleep...

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