Chapter 4

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"Hey Narissa." A muffled voice whispered. I groaned in reluctance as a response and rolled over in the overly comfortable bed. My whole body hurt. What the hell happened to me last night? Why did my head hurt? Hell why did my who body hurt? The pain in my ankle was worse than all of it put together.

"Alec, leave me alone. Everything hurts and I feel like shit." I whined burying my face deeper into the pillow.

"What's hurting babe?" he asked. The voice didn't sound like Alec's but then again I was probably still drunk.

"Everything. I didn't I just tell you."

"No tell me what hurts the most. I'll take you to the hospital." I knew for a fact that Alec didn't have an Irish accent. Who the hell was I in bed with?!

"My ankle and who the fu-" I said sitting up as best as I could and met the concerned blue eyes of my savior from last night.

"N-Niall. I'm sorry. I-I forgot I was here." I stuttered then felt the searing pain in my ankle intensify.

"It's ok. I need to get you to a hospital love. I think your ankle might be broken." he said with deep concern in his eyes.

 I nodded and he got off the bed to get a pair of  joggers out of the drawer.

"They might be a bit big on you but it's better than going in my underwear." he smiled trying to make the mood light.

I just nodded again and his face fell into a frown. He came up to me and gently wiped some fallen tears from my cheeks.

"It's gonna be ok a promise ok?"

"Ok." I said as he carefully dressed me.

"Do you want something to eat before we go?"

"No thank you I'm not hungry."

The drive to the hospital was quiet but not awkward in the least. I would drift off every once in a while and the memories of last night would flood into my mind. When that happened, Niall would gently place his hand on my thigh and whisper soothing words to me. When we arrived, the reception's eyes immediately darted to Niall. Then she took in my appearance and her mind was starting to connect the incorrect dots.

"No ma'am before you say anything, I found her like this and she needs to see a doctor immediately." he said in a calm voice.

She sneered at him and rolled her eyes. "You're gonna have to fill this form out sweetheart," she said handing him a clipboard.

"Lady, she can't walk, she drifts in and out of consciousness, and she is scared of any male that passes too close to her. She needs to see a doctor. And I mean now. Am I clear?" snapped losing his composure.

"Crystal. Now fill out the form and I'll take her to the back." said the nurse.

"Please. He has to come with me." I said tears forming in my eyes. I had no idea why but I was completely terrified if Niall left me alone too long.

The receptionist sighed after seeing my eyes and let us through. The nurse took my vitals, took me to a curtain room and told me that the doctor would be with me shortly.

I laid awkwardly on the bed. I didn't want to be here. I wanted to be home in my own bed watching  my own TV eating my own junk food with Niall. With Niall? I thought. Something was really wrong with me. I literally just met this guy. He could be a completely different person than who he had been acting like all this time.

"Niall," I barely whispered.

He quickly stood up frantic with worry. "What is it love? Are you hurting? Do I need to call someone?"

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