Meeting each other

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Jason POV

Percy and Annabeth told us about this new group. They seemed cool, but really powerful, maybe more then them.

"We need to be in the big house in like 30 minutes, Chiron asked us to" Percy said

"You can meet the group there" Annabeth added.

"Ok" we said

30 minutes later.....

"Ok, so I have decided to pair up this new group, you can learn a lot from each other and you have help them out" Chiron says, "you get to pick your pair, someone who is like you or you get along with."

And with that Chiron leaves

"Um ok, let me start, I am Percy you all already meet me. Oh is that sour patch, can I have one pls pretty pls" he asked Aru.

"Sure" Aru said, "what color"

"Blue" he reply's

"I love the blue one" Aru exclaims

Then seem to have a conversation about blue sour patch.

"Um ok it seems like they are off" Annabeth says, "how about we introduce our self to you all.

After introductions, everyone seems to find someone they are like or get along with.


Percy and Aru. (Silly, interesting, leaders)

Annabeth and Aiden. (Smartish, like learning random stuff from each other, the best packers)

Piper and Nikita (Pretty face, but danger)

Jason and Sheela (a lot expected from them, pressure)

Leo and Rudy. (Funny, make jokes)

Hazel and Mini (Daughters of Death, kinda shy)

Frank and Brynee (Shape Shifting)

I did my best to pair them up, I am happy with the first one tho.

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