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"Jijaaji can I have your phone for a while," Amira asked Salaar when they were alone during the party.

"Whom do you want to call?" Salaar asked taking his phone out.

"Raj..." Amira slowly answered, "I want to congratulate him."

"Oh so you remember his number," said Salaar, "and what is my number?"

Amira remained silent. She forgot.

Salaar took a notepad nearby and wrote his number on it. "If you are ever in danger Raj can't come to save you," he said giving her the paper, "but Salaar can. Make sure you memorize this." "And here's the phone."

Amira took the phone and called Raj. No response. She tried again a couple of times, no response.

"What the hell is he doing?" said Amira frustrated.

"Maybe preparing for the internationals," said Salaar.

"So soon?" asked Amira.

"You never know," said Salaar, "Maybe he wants to beat you."

"No no no that shouldn't happen," said Amira giving Salaar his phone back, "I should start preparing too." "I should start preparing too," she repeated it like a mantra as she walked back to her room. Haseena noticed it from a distance. 

"What happened?" she asked Amira.

"Nothing Appi," said Amira, "I should start preparing too."

"What did you tell her?" she asked Salaar, "Why did her mood change all of a sudden?"

"We have our secrets," replied Salaar.

"Stop lying," said Haseena frustrated.

"Not lying," said Salaar walking past, "Amira hides a lot of things from you because you are bossy and hard to deal with."

Haseena held Salaar's hand to stop him and pulled him back. She looked him in the eyes. "If I am bossy and hard to deal with," she asked, "Why do you keep finding excuses to be around me?"

"Because as they say," Salaar said as he stepped a little closer, "Keep your friends close." "And your enemies...closer," he added taking another step forward.

Haseena was too enchanted to speak. "Why is this being romantic instead of being uncomfortable?" she wondered.

"Are you going to hold my hand all night?" Salaar asked looking at their hands and Haseena immediately let go of his hand and walked away to hide her blush.  Salaar watched Haseena until she went out of sight before smiling and going about his day.

*** The next day ***

"Where were you yesterday Rudra sir?" Vikram asked sarcastically.

"Mafia deals," Rudra effortlessly lied.

"Like this?" Vikram asked showing Rudra a photo where Haseena was holding his hand they were intensely looking into each other's eyes.

"Who the hell sent you this?" Rudra asked angrily.

(Who do you think sent the photo?)

"Why? So that you can go and traumatize them?" asked Vikram. Rudra rolled his eyes.

"So a simple brinjal curry and thank you was all it took for you guys to get this close?" asked Vikram.

"We were fighting in that picture," said Rudra frustrated.

"Yup, that's how fights look like," said Vikram.

"Like I said, things were still bitter amongst us," said Rudra, "We are still plotting against each other."

"But why?" asked Vikram, "You texted thank you and she texted welcome with a smiley emoji! A smiley emoji! Why fight again?"

"Because it's fun," Rudra revealed the truth in frustration. He regretted it but now there is no choice other than to continue. "Like a game of chess with a very strong opponent," he added, "The unpredictability, the battle of minds to outrun each other, the plot twists...they are addicting. For the first time, I don't even feel like winning, I just want the game to go on forever and ever."

"Hmmm," said Vikram listening to Rudra intensely, "So...you are friends now?"

"Friends? Really?" asked Rudra.

"So you hate her?" asked Vikram.

"Hate is a very big word," said Rudra.

"Then what is it?" asked Vikram, "This relationship needs to have a name, right?"

"Fine, I like like her," said Rudra.

"Love her?" asked Vikram.

"No, I like like her," said Rudra.

"What's like like?" asked Vikram.

"Figure that..." 

Their conversation was interrupted by cries outside their room. Rudra and Vikram rushed outside to find a couple crying.

"What happened?" Vikram asked concerned.

"Their son's missing, sir," answered Pranav.

"Relax mam," said Vikram, "We will find him. Give us some details. Name, photo etc."

"His name is Raj Vedant Chalasani," said the crying women and Rudra's heart skipped a beat.

"Can I see his picture?" he asked and Raj's mother showed a picture on her phone. Rudra's heart almost stopped and he had a hard time hiding his terror. He gave the phone back and quickly rushed to his office. 

Vikram consoled the women and ordered Pranav to send the picture to all police stations before heading back to his friend.

"What happened?" he asked.

"That kid is Amira's friend," answered Rudra, "I saw him with her in Fullerton."

"Oh god," said Vikram, "That means Rajkesh's man probably told Rajkesh about him and that's what got the boy kidnapped."

"Rajkesh is getting closer to Amira," said Rudra frantically moving around, "I cannot let this happen. I cannot let this happen."

"Don't worry we will catch him," said Vikram, "I'll handle the police team. You talk to Sandeep and get help from our men."

"Okay," said Rudra and called Sandeep. He sent Raj's picture and arranged for all of Salaar's men to start searching for him. On the other hand, Vikram arranged a search party with all the police force he could get and also sent the picture to civilian volunteer groups, schools, hospitals, and every where he could have the slightest of influence.

Within no time, one third of Mumbai was on look out for Raj!

Meanwhile in one of the underground cellars Raj was tied up beaten down, unconsious and starved.

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