Act 2, Scene 5: Domino City (Road to Home)

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(Enter YUGI and ANZU. YUGI'S hands are in his pockets)

YUGI: Anzu?

ANZU: Yes?

YUGI: I have to tell you something.

ANZU: What's that?

YUGI: (SIGHS) I got mad at the pharaoh.

ANZU: You did?

YUGI: Yup.

ANZU: Why were you mad at him?

YUGI: It's nothing to worry about. But I think everything turned out okay, and maybe I should forgive him.

ANZU: That's exactly what I would do. Especially if the thing you're fighting over doesn't matter anymore.

YUGI: You're right Anzu. Did you have a good birthday?

ANZU: I sure did! In fact, it was the best one this year!

(YUGI and ANZU laughs)

ANZU: Bye Yugi! (EXITS)

YUGI: Bye Anzu!

(YUGI taps on the Millennium Puzzle, and gets no response. Fade to Black)

Yami and Yugi in: The Missing LocketWhere stories live. Discover now