13. Öga För Öga

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"Every hero has a dark side"

"Every hero has a dark side"

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When Jane and Five return back to Dallas in 1963, drenched in someone else's blood, still drying on their skins, they decided to stay in the alleyway to wait on the Handler.

Five was picking at the blood on his nails. He was holding the plastic bag with AJ in his right hand that was crossed over his stomach. His left hand that he was picking at the blood was propped up on his other arm.

Jane was standing with her back leaned up against the wall while her head was leaned back so she was looking up at the sky.

Five would glanced at Jane every few seconds to make sure that she wouldn't lose control again.

"You don't have to keep an eye on me, I'm fine, now" she said and he let out a scoff "I didn't even get a thank you" he said "Why should I thank you?" she asked "'Cause I calmed you down and to make sure that you didn't made the building collapse around, so I saved our lives" he said "What a hero you are" she said sarcastic "I just want a thank you" he said.

"Then thank you" she said sarcastic "That doesn't sound like a grateful thank you" he said "That is all you get, so deal with it" she said before she let out a sigh.

"Just so you know, that kiss didn't mean anything" she said and he looked at her "It doesn't mean we are back together" she said and he let out a sigh "Fine by me. I can't wait to return to 2019, then we will go our separates ways" he lied.

"No, you know what" she said before looking at him "When you have gather your siblings and you guys are ready to return to 2019, I'm going to stay here" she said "What?" he snapped his head to her.

"You heard me" she said "You can't mean that" he said "I do" she said "You don't belong in this timeline" he said "I don't belong anywhere. And I know how dangerous it is to stay in a timeline you don't belong in. So to make sure that it wouldn't change the timeline. I'm going to isolate myself completely. And also staying here, there is a huge chance you wouldn't see me again. Just like you want, right?" she said "Jane, don't say something like that. You don't know how to do that" he said "I have lived a lot of lives before I met you Five. I know how to survive and I know more than you think I do" she said and you could see the sadness in his eyes.

He didn't want her to leave his side. He just wish that he could go back in time and changed this, so they didn't got into a fight causing them to break up. He wish that he haven't gotten so mad over such a small thing.

"Jane, I--" but Five was cut off when the sound of footsteps approaching was heard and Jane let out a softly scoffs "Finally" she said as The Handler came walking from behind Five.

"Well?" she asked and Five put his arm that was holding the bag out behind him and towards The Handler.

The Handler let out a gasp "AJ" she said and she put the briefcase down on the ground before she grabbed the bag from Five and she let out a cackling noise as she brought the bag up to her eye level so she could look at AJ.

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