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Heyy, so the story turns a little darker as the chapter goes on so that's why I'm putting a trigger warning here, if your not comfortable with violence or mentions of rape I suggest you skip that's part. I'll put a --- where it starts. Have fun reading!

8 AM

I got woken up by the sound of my alarm clock. I had set it at 8 since I wanted to wake up before the rest of the house did.

I brushed my teeth and put on clothes. I put on some dark blue jeans and a black hoodie. I left my hair down, letting it fall around my shoulders.

I checked myself in the mirror, I really needed to make a good first impression. What if he doesn't want me here and kicks me out. This is my last change. I took a deep breath and walked out of the bedroom.

Stepping out I could hear yelling coming from downstairs. I walked a few steps down the stairs and peeked from the railing.

"Let me see my baby sister you fucker!" A guy's voice yelled.

"Look at who's talking. And no you're gonna scare her away with your ugliness" another voice said.

"What are you 2 yelling about, it's fucking 8:30 in the morning" I heard a third voice say, which recognized it as Emilio's voice.

"Please tell kian that he should get out of my way so I can meet my baby sister" the first guy said.

"Shut your mouth, if you keep yelling you're actually going to wake her up" Emilio said whisper shouting.

"Good, I want to meet her" the guy whisper yelled back.

The 2 boys looked as if they were going to attack one another any second now, and a small giggle left my mouth. I've never had someone be that eager to see me.

I decided on going back so I wouldn't get caught eavesdropping but I stumbled and my phone fell from the stairs right in front of the 3 men.

I debated on what I should do now but did the only reasonable option and was making my way downstairs, smiling awkwardly.

I grabbed my phone and slowly moved my way back up. Expecting someone to yell at me, but it stayed silent. I looked up and they all stood next to each other looking at me.

The boy on the right was smiling widely, his hair was a light shade of brown and he had the same blue eyes as me.

the middle one who I've learned is named Kian looked shocked, he was the only blond one and we shared the same nose.

and Emilio looked at me emotionless, per usual.

The right guy made his way towards me and I out of habit flinched back slightly.

He immediately stopped walking and looked at me confused before the smile returned back on his face. "Aah she's so cute, she looks just like us!." He said excitedly.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see the other 2 shake their heads in embarrassment, making me chuckle slightly.

Emilio then stepped forward "Nova, these are your brothers kian" he said pointing to the second guy. " and Lorenzo, but we call him Enzo." he said pointing at the one who stood in front of me.
"Lorenzo is 18 and Kian is 20"

I nodded and stared at them for a second until I saw Emilio raise his eyebrows and anticipation. Right. "Oh sorry- I'm Nova Connor, 17 and I'm from LA."

"Connor?" Kian said looking at Emilio.
"Sophia changed her name to Connor when she ran away." He stated. Why do they call their own mom by her name?

"She doesn't deserve the term 'mom' of you were wondering" Kian said, slight anger in his voice, not directed at me through. I think.

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