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New title and cover!
This chapter is almost 3000 words long so buckle up :)


I quickly put on some jeans and a oversized hoodie. I reached down to grab my daily dose of paracetamol from my nightstand and took the strips out of the package. ''shit'' I cursed, the strip was empty, meaning I was either going to walk around in pain, or I had to grab some from downstairs. I'm sure they kept some first hand medicine in the kitchen.

I remade the bed and made my way down the stairs. Today we were supposed to go shopping, although I'm not sure if that's still happening.

I walked into the kitchen and to my surprise Enzo, Kian and Emilio were already sitting there.

"Good morning tersoro" Emilio said, giving me a kiss on my forehead. I squirmed a little at the unfamiliarity of physical contact in a non harmful way, but I didn't think they noticed.

"good Morning" I answered, taking a seat at the breakfast table. Desperately trying to avoid looking in their eyes I could feel burning into my skin.

Kian stood up from the table and returned putting a plate of waffles down for me. ''The maids don't start working untill midday so we make our own breakfast'' He said.

"thank you'' I contented, giving him a small smile. He nodded and continued eating his own breakfast, Enzo and Kian started some football discussion while me and Emilio silently ate, after successfully eating three quarters of my waffle, I put my fork down.

kian looked up from his plate ''what's wrong?'' he asked, furrowing his eyebrows.

''nothing, I'm just full''

''but you barely ate anything, right now and since you've been here in general'' Enzo protested, I thought of a lie for a while but nothing seemed to come to mind. ''I just don't eat as much as you guys do''

''Isabella you have to atleast finish half of your plate, whether you do it yourself, or we force it into you.'' Emilio said sternly. There is no way they would actually do that, I hope.

''I'm sorry but I'm not hungry. you cant force me to eat.'' I said looking at him. I don't know where this sudden confidance came from, but I guess I got a little tired of their need to control me, I didn't matter if I was a guest in their house, they still didn't have the right to force me to do anything.

He gave me a look, before sighing and getting up to put his plate in the dishwasher. I internally smirked at my win. I turned to look at Enzo and Kian who now formed visible smirks on their faces.

I looked at them confused before realizing. ''No. don't you dare'' I warned as Enzo got closer to me.

I stood up to walk away but Kian grabbed my waist pulled me onto his lap, restricting me from moving. "Let me go" I glared at him, trying to wriggle free which only made him chuckle.

I pouted my lip and gave up.

Enzo came up next to us and put the waffle to my mouth. "Eat." he ordered. I glared at him, which didn't seem to work because that only made him laugh. I kept my act up for a while before finally giving in, chewing on my waffle angrily as they laughed.


About an hour later Enzo, Kian and I left to go shopping. I told them we could go another day since despite this morning there was still some tension in the air, but they were persistent on going.

So I now found myself sitting in the back of the car listening to Enzo singing, more like yelling, 'all to well' by Taylor swift. I looked over at Kian who was sending daggers towards Enzo cause of the looks we were getting from people passing by our car.

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