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It has been two weeks since I got out of the hospital and life has been going better. My ribs and shoulder have been healing and my bruises are almost gone thanks to some weird cream I got prescribed by the doctors.

Ever since the accident I believed that my dad has been staying home to make sure I'm safe and 'well cared for'. The same goes for my brothers who after work, would come straight home to yell at the maids for not giving me enough to eat or not spending time with me twenty for seven.

I'm thankful that there all here for me and it's really nice to have people to talk to when I'm bored, but after two weeks I'm in desperate need for some not family human contact.

I've asked Enzo if I could come to one of his baseball games but he told me to ask dad or Emilio who both said it wasn't safe enough.

After a week I figured this protectiveness wasn't about me being in the hospital anymore, it was about me being on the blacklist. I had my speculations ever since they told me I wasn't allowed to leave the house, or that I could see guards following my every move when I was in the garden.

Their protectiveness is slowly beginning to drive me crazy. So, I figured I would have to do some investigation to find out more about the blacklist and my dads business.

I wasn't worried I was going to get kicked out by investigating their personal space anymore, especially since me leaving the house wasn't even an option for them.

I finished changing into some black leggings and a hoodie and made my way downstairs for breakfast. The house felt awfully quiet today, no yelling to phones, no bickering, no laughing, just silence.

"Morning Mandy" I smiled walking into the kitchen, Mandy was one of my personal assigned maids, dad had hired her to make sure I was eating healthy, and consistently. I didn't mind since she was really nice, but the healthy part made me less exited to eat. I was craving some McDonald's right now.

"Morning miss Alvarez, how was your nights sleep?" she smiled, she was a petite woman, 47 years old, however she looked younger. she told me she lives in new Orlando but is here for work to supply food for her family.

"It was good, and please, just call me Nova" I said.

"I'm sorry mis- Nova, your fathers orders"

"Yeah well, when he's not here I'm just nova"

"Got it" she chuckled. "I have your breakfast ready, and you're father left you a note, it's on the table"

"Thank you" I said, giving her an appreciative smile. I sat down at the dinner table and picked up the note.

I hope you had a good nights sleep, I have a few business meetings so I won't be home until Wednesday. Emilio is with me, Lorenzo and Kian will be back from work at 4.

I read over the note, they weren't going to be home for three days. Maybe it all came down to faith and this really was a good time for me to investigate the house.

I finished my breakfast thinking of where it start, I had already been to the basement and I don't think that will lead me to more information. A few odd rooms in the house were locked up tightly from the in and outside so there was no going in there, which leaves me with the third floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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