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Nothing else to say now expect--
This ain't a request or a wheel thing, i just wanted to make this lol.

Ship: Blazafor1

Topic: Fluff

Since its fluff, idk if there's tops and bottoms but-

Bottom: Socks
Top: Blaza

Dont like this ship, or fluff, then bye!


Socks POV.

Since there has been this war shit going on in our friend group- Well between me and Meme. I have been staying at Blaza's base, since no one knows about this place. And its the safest place for me to stay.

It's not fun to leave everything behind because of what i didn't even do. I got blamed for Wictoria's death! I didn't even do it. Why would i kill her? She was my friend.

But at Blaza's base, its me and him. He stays here with me because he and Dino aren't sure if the people knew it was him who broke me out, but atleast now they would know, since he's been nowhere to be found.

Its nice to spend time with him, but its everyday. Every second. The full days. But its more safe than being out there. Alone. I have always loved Blaza, in a friend and a-.. A crush way.. Yeah he's my bestfriend.. But i cant help it. Just look at him, his beautiful blonde hair, his eyes, his personality. Everything about him is perfect. I could never hate him.

But once again, i have spent the whole day with him. Its now almost midnight, but im not tired. So i guess just... Lay on my bed?? I don't know. Right now im in this living room thing. On a couch sitting down, with my hands and my chin on my knees.

Blaza POV.

I just walked into my secret base's living room place, and i saw Socks on the couch, with his head on his knees, and hands keeping him still. I would be lying, if i didn't say that's cute, because it is.

Its not nice that he can't go to his own home. He has to hide because of something he didn't even do! Meme is stupid for thinking that. I dont care if the others think, that i was the one who broke him out, since i am. And im glad. He doesn't deserve that shit.

Im glad that we're bestfriends, since it would be a lil awkward for us to hang out everyday. Yeah its fun to be with him, but its also hard. Since i have had a crush on him for while now, so now that he has to stay with me, its hard for me to just pretend nothings wrong-

But anyway, Socks is still on the couch. Its weird that he hasn't noticed me staring at him, since he gets those weird feeling things, where he basically can feel someone staring at him. So now that he hasn't turned around, its weird. Or he just doesn't care.

I started walking towards him and the couch, and then sat down next to him. He still didn't even move a bit. He stayed still with his head on his knees. I then put one of my hands on his hair, and started playing with him while moving a little closer.

Then after a while i moved his head up, so that i could see his face. Now i was looking at him in the eyes. I couldn't get anything out of them so i had to speak, since i usually read from people's eyes.

"You okay, Socks..?" I asked with a quiet voice, he then put on a small smile and nobbed.

I could tell he wasn't, but i didn't ask about it. I then started laying down, and pulled him down with me. He let out a surprised yelp at that, but he didn't try to move away.

We stayed like that for a while. With his head on my chest, my hands on his head playing with his brown hair. I knew he didn't wanna talk about the war thing, so i stayed quiet, since we had an comfortable silence on.

Socks POV.

I like how he could sense, that i didn't wanna talk about what's going on. Its a good thing about him, he doesn't force people to talk.

Now we have just been laying on the couch, for like an hour, in complete silence. Just enjoying each others touch. He has been playing with my hair, while i had my head on his chest.

Im still not sure, if he likes me back in that way, but this is atleast the closest i can get with him. He has never done this before. Lay down and pull me down with him. I have never layed down on his chest. But now it has been a long time, since we've moved or talked, so i decided to talk a little.

"Thanks Blaza.." I said in a quiet voice, while still keeping my head on his chest.

"For what?" He said in a quiet voice too. I smiled at that.
I then started moving up a little so i could see his face.

"For not forcing me to talk about those things, and just.. being here." I answered him, he then let out a smile.

"Of course.. I would never force you to that, and i wouldn't be anywhere else right now. I wanna stay with you, and just... chill" He told me while he moved his hands to my back to make circles.

I giggled a little at that, i kept a smile on my face when i started looking at him in his eyes. He was looking at me back, smiling too. After a while he moved his hands to my lower back, while i moved my hands to his cheeks and hair. He then started moving forward a bit, before stopping at looking into my eyes. I then nobbed at him, which made him smile.

He went and started kissing me softly. Both of us were smiling during it. I then pulled away from his lips.

"I love you Blaza. I never had the guts to tell you.." I told him. He started smiling even wider, while he let out a small laugh.

"I love you too, Socks. Its funny how i didn't have the guts to tell you either." He said to me, which made me laugh, and then he laughed too.

So now both of us were slightly laughing. After a while we calmed down and went back to laying down. This time my back was against his chest. As he was laying down on his back on the couch, and i was laying on top of him. My head was again at his chest.

This time he had his arms around my collar bone, while i was holding his arms with my hands. He then gave me small kiss on my forehead. I smiled at him.
Then i closed my eyes, and slowly started to fall asleep on his hands. Blaza took his phone from a small table and then the lights went down, he put his phone back and started cuddling me again, trying to fall asleep. I then closed my eyes again.

Then i fell asleep on my now, lover's arms...


Words: 1269

And done guys! This time it wasn't smut OR memefor1! I actually like this ship the same amount as i like memefor1. So be ready to see either this ship, or memefor1!!

I hope you guys enjoyed! Anddd gone now! Byee!! Ilyg<3


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