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Yo, this shit gonna be "Lemon" as in, no smut, but sexual things (heavy make outs, ect)

I went to Google to make sure i was correct, about what it meant-- So ye

Anyways this isn't a request, a wheel... Its just my own idea i got, and drew shit fanart of Memefor1.. 😳

Oki yaya anyways, let's get to the same things like always-

Ship: Memefor1

Top: Meme

Bottom: Socks

Topic: Lemon

Okay enjoy~


Meme's POV.

Soooooo- After i moved in with the others, others as in Socks, Blaza, Tbh, Laff and Joocie.
My and Socks friendship has been weird. We haven't spoken a lot, only during videos, well he hasn't spoken to me.. I dont know what's up with him. I've been trying to find out, but he just leaves when i try to speak with him, or go close to him.

This time i will bring him to his room. Literally bring him there. Grab him and carry him in his own room, so that he can't lock himself in there, or anywhere else. I will lock us in, so that he has to speak to me. I will wait for him to speak, i don't care how long it will take. I will wait.

Right now, i'm in my room. I'm editing my video. Then i will go find him and bring him to his room, if he's not in there already. I need to find out what's going on, if i did something to him. He won't escape from me this time...

Timeskip to later..

Now it's 4 pm or something. I don't care. I just left my room and checked his, and he wasn't there which was a surprise, since he's always busy making videos for his channels. Im walking down the stairs, and i still haven't seen him. I checked the other people's rooms if he was there, but he wasn't.

And it looks like he isn't anywhere.. Nice. I just checked our car garage, and his car wasn't here. So he's out of the house, i gotta wait for him to come back. Then i will bring him to his room right away. I won't let him prepare or anything, i will just carry him in there, and lock us in. Anyways i saw Laff was in the living room, so imma go to him and speak with him for now.

"Hey Laff!" I said out loud, while walking to the living room. I saw his head turn around, and when he saw me, he smiled.

"Ay there Meme" He greeted me, with his British accent. I let out a giggle at that.

"Soo- Do you know where Socks is?" I asked him, with curiosity in my voice.

"In the matter of fact, i do. He's in a bar with Blaza. He didn't have any work to do today anymore, so he agreed going there with Blaza." He told me, while smiling still. I let out a smile and nobbed.

"Thanks for telling me Laff!" I said to you him. He then let out a smile.

"Why'd you wanna know anyways, i've seen how you guys don't talk-?" He asked with confusion. I let out a sigh at that.

"It's HIM who doesn't talk. I don't even know why or what i did. So today im gonna bring him to his room and lock him there with me, until he finally will speak to me." I told him everything. He then nobbed.

"Alright then, be prepared tho. Like i said, he's in a bar, which means he's gonna be drunk." He told me, which i just nobbed and smiled.

"That's better. If he's drunk, its easier to make him talk.." I told him with an evil smirk and let out a laugh. He then let out a sigh and laughed too...

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