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Hey guys!

I got this idea, when i had like- 5 other stories to make before.

But i decided to put this here on the line to wait.

This oneshot takes place in the "Find the Socks" roblox game!

Ship: Blazafor1 (Blaza x Socks)

Bottom: Socks

Top: Blaza

Topic: Fluff



Blaza POV.

Me and Socks always spend Christmas together, this time he didn't came.. He didn't even say to me that he wouldn't come, which did hurt a little. I have tried going to his house, but he wasn't there. I asked Meme and the others if they have seen him. They have, but he didn't tell them where he was going, they said that he looked "weird"?

Which i dont know if it's bad or not. So whatever is going on, is something he doesn't want to tell me. They said he went towards the winter place, so im gonna go see if he's there, or if Laff knows where he is.


I just got here to the winter place, i had talked to Laff. He said he doesn't know what's going on either, but he does know where he is. He's on top of the hill, alone up there. Laff had helped him up there, Socks apparently didn't want anyone to see him? It's weird, but i need to talk to him, i need to know if he's alright.

So i got Laff to help me up, first he went to get something, then he came.

"Okay so, we need to use this rope.. I'm the only one who can get up there, so i need to like... Get the rope up there and put it around something and then you can climb up." Laff had explained, i looked at him and then at the top of the hill. I nobbed slowly.

"Okay. What ever to get to Socks.." I said while looking back at him, he then smiled sadly.

"Let's do this then." He said as he started to climb the wall. Its still a bit weird he can do that, but i have a glider which makes me kinda fly.

Anyways, when i was thinking i saw a rope fell, i looked up and saw Laff with his thumbs up. I sighed as i started climbing the wall with the rope. It was slippery, so im glad my glider was on. Just in case i fall. The mountain was full of snow and ice, so no wonder its hard to climb. But i dont give up. I need to get to Socks...

It takes a while, but i finally got up. I panted as i stayed still on a safe spot. I looked to my right and saw Laff standing there, not looking at me thought. He was looking straight forward, maybe the way we can get to Socks?

"Is that the way we need to go?" I said out loud, it caused Laff to turn to look at me.

"Yeah mate, there will be climbing again, so get the rope." He said while turning around and walking away. I snorted as i took the rope and started to walk after him.

I saw him stop and look at me. I guess he needed the rope now? Yep. I gave him the rope and he started going up. It's actually super weird how he can do that. I just kept my eyes up this time, and waited for him to throw the rope. This time its not too far, the top. I think the house should be at this top. Like the mountains top spot, i think its there.

The rope the fell down, i grabbed it and started climbing again. Like i said it's not too far away now, so it was faster this time. Getting to the top. In no time i got up and turned to Laff,

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