speak now

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Description: Today's Y/N and Eddie's big day. After months of anticipation, it's finally wedding day! This story explores everything that has to do with the wedding, including their steamy night in the hotel room😉

Warnings: fluff, language, smut, orgasm, oral sex, fingering, kissing/making-out (please let me know if I forgot anything :))

Word Count: 6,800; this is very long, so get comfortable and enjoy.

Speak Now

I enthusiastically jump out of bed at the crack of dawn, almost getting head rush in the process. Eddie's still laying in our bed sound asleep. I have to leave before he sees me, or the whole day will be ruined.

"Today's the day", I think to myself, "Today's finally the goddamn day".

I grab everything I would need for the day, and sneak out of the bedroom as quietly as possible. I head to our guest bathroom for a shower. I'd usually use the on suite, but I can't wake Eddie up and risk him seeing me.

My shower was way longer than it usually would be. I've always been one to get in and out in 5 minutes, but this morning my shower was upwards of 30 minutes. I did the whole shebang; hair mask, face mask, full body exfoliant, and I very meticulously shaved my legs and under area.

When the water starts to run cold, I get out, and use my expensive lotion instead of my usual cheaper stuff. I slip on a fluffy white robe and make my way to the guest bedroom to get dressed. I put on a white "bride to be" t-shirt, gray sweatpants, and white high-top converse, and tie up my wet hair into a quick low bun.

I give myself a look-over in the mirror. I can't believe it's finally the day, by tonight I will be Mrs. Munson. Before my thoughts can be overwhelmed with even more anxiety about today, I hear a honk from outside. Dammit Nancy, I specifically told you not to do that.

I creak the door to our bedroom open to make sure Eddie is still asleep, and that Nancy didn't wake him. Sure enough he's sprawled out taking up the entire bed, snoring, and mouth open drooling like a child. I giggle, and make my way downstairs.

I grab my bag, and walk out the front door to Nancy's station wagon. As soon as I get in, I'm immediately bombarded with questions from Robin.

"Did Eddie see you? Did you sleep okay? How do you feel? Are you nervous or excited? Are you and Eddie going to have sex ton-"

"Okay Robin, that's enough!" Nancy interrupts.

"Jeez Robin, you seem more stressed than I am," I roll my eyes, "I'm fine, of course I'm really fucking anxious and stressed, but I'm so excited. And on that last question, the answer is yes." We all let out a laugh, and a much needed built up scream I've been holding in since I woke up.

We make our way to the wedding venue. We're having our ceremony and reception at the same place, a secluded spot in the woods just outside of Indianapolis. Joyce rented us girls a cabin next to the venue to get ready in. It's about a 2 hour drive, screaming along to Madonna and "Girls Just Want to Have Fun" the entire way there.

When we pull up to the venue, we're met with Steve, Jonathan, and some of the younger boys setting up the decorations. We waste no time in heading inside the cabin, and starting getting ready. Nancy is doing my makeup while Robin is doing my hair.

About an hour or so of getting ready in the cabin bathroom, the rest of my side of the wedding party arrive. Max, Jane, Chrissy, Robin, and my sister are my bridesmaids, while Nancy is my maid of honor.

~Eddie Munson~ Hungry For YouWhere stories live. Discover now