Five: Dating

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"Oh my gosh!" I screamed.

Josh stared wide-eyed at the scene before him.

Neither of us knew what to say.

Matt chuckled nervously, scratched his neck, and stepped out of the photo booth.

Sofia straightened her clothes and walked out, sheepishly looking down at the floor.

"Let's just go," I said.

The car ride back to my house was silent, the only noise being the radio that was currently playing sad country songs.

Lily was asleep in her car seat and Matt, beside her, was quiet as he glanced over at Sophia.

She rolled her eyes and looked out the window.

Josh sighed and continued driving, looking over at me, too.

I didn't want to speak.

I wasn't angry, or mad, or upset. I was disappointed.

Neither of them gave us a heads up, "hey, we're dating so if you see us making out, don't freak!" A little too late for that.

When we arrived back at my house, Matt didn't say anything as he walked inside, past my intrigued parents, and sat down on the couch and flipped through the tv channels.

Sofia did the same, avoided my parents, and went upstairs; you could hear my shower starting up.

Josh and I glanced at each other as we walked inside and Josh immediately took Lily up to her crib to nap.

Mom pulled me aside in the kitchen, where I was making a bowl of popcorn for our movie night.

"What happened? You can almost feel the tension dripping off your two friends." She questioned.

I sighed. "Josh and I caught them making out in the photo booth at the mall."

Mom gasped and, shutting the kitchen door, pulled me into a hug. "I'm sorry, honey!"

I shook my head, and continued watching the microwave. It beeped, and I opened the bag of popcorn, filling the bowl to the brim.

"It's fine, really. It's just weird they never told us," I said and propped the door open with my foot.

Matt was sitting on the couch and watched me bring the popcorn in, and soon, Sofia and Josh joined us and we started our movie night.

"I vant to suck your blood!" Matt yelled at Sofia, who was asleep. She jumped awake and screamed, swatting him with a pillow.

Josh laughed and cuddled Lily to his chest, kissing her forehead.

He looked over at me and smiled, gesturing to our daughter.

"She's out like a light," I whispered, rubbing my hands through her brown curls that matched her dad's.

"Dads have the magic touch," Josh teased and reached over to grab some popcorn.

My hand reached in too, and our hands interconnected when we automatically grabbed the same piece.

Josh smirked, and I'm sure I was blushing.

"Here, you can have it," Josh said and removed his hand. We sat in silence for the rest of the night.

In the morning, Mom made pancakes and sausage for us and we thanked her before eating.

It was a Sunday, and usually on Sundays, we didn't do anything around here.

"Matt and I have to go to the airport to head home in a few hours. I was thinking we could go shopping again!" Sophia said over breakfast.

The boys shared a look and I nodded, "It sounds fun. Cool. Let's get dressed!"

We all got dressed and Josh buckled Lily in the car seat before we drove off to Pasadena's mall.

As soon as we stepped out, we were bombarded by paparazzi.

"Olivia Rodrigo! It's Olivia Rodrigo!" One female photographer yelled, making all of them come over and surround the car.

Josh grunted and yelled to Matt, "Take Lily and run inside! We'll meet you there!"

Matt grabbed Lily and took Sophia's hand and ran inside the mall, hoping to avoid the paparazzi.

But it didn't work.

After Josh yelled out the paparazzi outside and made them leave, the paparazzi inside bombarded us again.

I took Lily and held her to my chest, calming her as she wailed.

"I said go! Leave us alone! You're scaring the baby!" Josh yelled.

"Go! Nothing to see here!" Sophia yelled.

A few paparazzi snapped some photos and Matt lost it.


We all looked at him and the paparazzi murmured apologies and left.

"They are so annoying! Like, leave my niece out of the spotlight!" He huffed.

Later, after dropping our friends off at the airport and saying our goodbyes, we headed back to the house.

My parents were staring at the news when we got home.

"Hey guys! We're home and..." I started then gasped.

On the news, right in front of us, was Matt, Sophia, and us and Lily, and we were videoed heading inside the mall. Photographed by the paparazzi while Matt was yelling, Lily hid in my chest.


Oh, dear.

Lily: a Jolivia storyWhere stories live. Discover now