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                       I'm just going to say this is a oneshot

Trigger warning: Mentions of M*ri,cursing 

Also chuuya and dazai are 16.

        Dazai's POV:

Chuuya and I just finished tracking some men down for M*ri and though with my brains and chuuya's brawns,it was super easy (and kinda boring),the fact that it's 120° degrees outside and we can't call a car, doesn't help!

Chuuya took off his jacket awhile ago but I could tell it didn't help with the heat. As for me I'm still in my regular suit and I might be showing no emotion on the outside,but I'm literally dieing right now! Sure death is what I crave but this kinda death I can tell right now is painful and not quick at all.

All of a sudden I'm brought out of my thoughts by chuuya saying my name.

(Chuuya:) "DAZAI! You in there I've been trying to get your attention for 2 minutes!"

(Dazai:)"Oh is my sheepdog so worried that he can't go even minutes without me paying him attention!"I saying this it in such a happy (fake) tone it makes me sick.

(Chuuya:)"IM NOT YOUR DOG!"He says this as he goes to kick my legs,but I just dodge it easily.

(Chuuya:)"UHG! AS I WAS SAYING! Are you alright, because if you pass out I'm leaving you here to die."

(Dazai:) "Aww! Chuuya~! You would do that for me!"

(Chuuya:) "On second thought let's just grab some Icecream before we go to the arcade. Because if you end up passing out I'll have to call Mori and I'm not in the mood to do that sh*t today. Alright!"

Icecream? I haven't had that since I was eight.sure why not!I push down the shudder m*ri's name brings to my spine.

(Dazai:) "Fine!Go Fetch Boy!"

Chuuya doesn't answer as he storms off to grab the Icecream. I see the ground slightly get crushed below his feet. I wonder,what kinds he'll get?

After he pays,he starts to walk back to the bench I'd had found when he went to order.

(Chuuya:) "Here you waste of bandages" he says as he hands me a vinalla cone.

(Dazai:) "Good boy! Now let's start going to the arcade!"

Chuuya goes to kick me but almost drops his own vinalla cone and huffs,(Chuuya:)"YOUR LUCKY MACKEREL!"

We finish our Icecream before heading inside.

           Chuuya's POV:

We finished our Icecream before headin inside.

When we get inside I go straight to the claw machines.Even without seeing dazai's expression I know he's confused.Well, multiple times I have seen dazai eye the plushies in the claw machines.He probably is to embarrassedto say anything,so I'll help out just this once.

(Chuuya:) "Who ever can get the most things out of the claw machines wins,we have until the end of the day."

(Dazai:) "um... Alright! I'll win then you'll hav-"

(Chuuya:)"-NO!"I interrupt him quickly."We just playing the winner gets pride and the things they got out of the machine.And that's it!"

(Dazai:) "That's boring,but I guess that's okay."

We spend the next 48 minutes together trying to get the plushies out of the machine and I am not allowed to use my ability. Eventually we decide to team up to strategis and by the end of the day we won 7 plushies each.We agreed on a tie, for today at least!

We say goodbye and some insults and as we go our separate ways, I see dazai go to a tall man who had short hair that had a reddish tinge to it.I turn around ready to go see ane-san. I'd never Admit it but-

              Dazai's POV:

We say bye,and leave to go our separate ways for the day.Then I Odasaku and as I run to catch up with him i think to my self though I'd never say it out loud but-

       Chuuya and Dazai POV:

-I had tons of fun today!

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