Flying, Falling

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A few times in my life, like when Morningstar accidentally set our South Philly apartment on fire, and we had to run for our lives, I felt high from the adrenaline pumping through my veins. It happened again when I was body-slammed to the floor by Dolores once they got me to my ward. My three other roommates, Janet, Maureen, and Lil' Kai, watched and did nothing to intervene. They may have even laughed when Naomi grabbed hold of my hair again—always my hair. But I was in such a state of rage that I felt no pain. Instead, I kicked Naomi's skinny legs out from under her. I knew what was coming next would leave me seriously hurt, but it was worth it to see her fly back, skirt flying so I could see the crotch circle of her tights, and land with a hard thump on the floor.

Her eyes flashed with icy hatred and something else, a little fear maybe, as she scrambled to her feet. But by then, Dolores was already landing some hard kicks on my side. But her movements were slow, lumbering, and I could grab her ankle just long enough to sink my teeth in. Like most bullies, she crumbled into a bawling baby once the tables were turned. She retreated to the far side of the room, screaming for help, just as Naomi was standing and winding up her fists for another assault.

"Aw, that's messed up," said Li'l Kai, a cute Black girl who was even smaller than me, when she crouched down to inspect Dolores' ankle. Dolores' face was nearly as red as her hair.

But just as Naomi hurled rushed me, the door to our room flew open, and Sister Ida stood on the threshold like one of the religious statues come to life.

"Girls! Girls!" she shouted, clapping her hands.

Naomi got one sharp elbow dug into my chest before we scattered to opposite corners.

"Fighting is strictly forbidden!" Sister Ida thundered.

"She bit me!" whined Dolores, tears squirting from her eyes as she jabbed a thick finger in my direction. "Everyone saw it."

Naomi stood panting, arms pumping up and down like a cartoon character. Then it hit me who she looked like.

"Olive Oil started it!" I pointed at Naomi.

"Ah, snap!" said Li'l Kai with a giggle.

Janet and Maureen burst out laughing.

Naomi's eyes flashed with humiliation. "Shut up!"

At last, I found my enemy's Achilles heel.

"That's enough!" Sister Ida thrust out her arm. "Ivy, come with me."

"But I didn't start it," I said.

Recovering her composure, Naomi turned to Sister Ida and said, "I will give a full report of the incident to the Reverend Mother."

"That's fine. Now you and Dolores return to your room. And you," she nodded toward my roommates, who were concealing smiles behind their hands. "Settle down and clean up your room."

"Yes, Sister," said Janet shifting gleeful eyes to the other girls. Nothing was more entertaining at St. Vincent's than watching someone get punished.

Naomi moved toward me as if she wanted to get in one more punch, but by then, Sister Ida had swept me out to the hall.

"You must learn to get along with the girls here, Ivy." Sister Ida kept up a quick pace with her tiny feet poking out from beneath her habit.

"Where are we going?" I asked, struggling to keep up. My side was hurting something fierce. It was hard to breathe. "I think my rib's broken."

"Don't be dramatic."

"I'm serious," I groaned. I wasn't faking it. I was in serious pain. I stopped and bent forward, gripping my side.

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