Acting Odd

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Warnings: Mentions of abuse, homophobic slurs.

Richie's POV:

I'm laying on the couch staring up at the ceiling as the losers talk around me.

"Hey Rich, you're awfully quiet up there." Stan says as I look down at him

"I'm just thinking about someone" I say in response, turning my gaze back up the ceiling.

"And who might that be?" Eds' voice brings me back into reality.

"Oh just your mom" I say, slightly disappointed in my joking skills at the moment.

"Beep Beep Ri-" Eds starts

"Hey guys, watcha talking about." Bev says as she appears from the top of the stairs.

"We were talking about what movie to watch." Stan says, turning around to face Bev.

"We were?" I ask

"Y-yes R-Richie, yes we w-were" Bill starts, "Y-you just weren't p-p-paying a-attention."

Bev walks over to the end of the couch and takes a seat.

The other losers get back to talking while I continue to ignore them.
I don't feel much like talking, me and my dad got into a big fight yesterday.It started just by me telling him that I wanted to get a piercing like Beverly.
Then he started yelling at me for hanging out with Bev because of her reputation around town, my dad thought that we were dating which made it even worse.
When I denied it he let all his anger and stress from the day out on me, yelling, hitting me, and calling me a fag.
He even decided to go as far as to grab a sewing needle from mom's sewing kit  and stab it through my lip.
My lip still hurts and the band aid is not helping.

"Hey Rich, you alive up there?" Eds' voice snaps me back to reality.

"Oh um, sorry" I say looking down at him, "Did you ask me something?"

"We wanted to know if you had an opinion about what to watch" He tells me before turning back to the TV as they scroll through the available movies.

"Oh I don't mind, whatever you guys want to watch." I say,returning my gaze back to the ceiling.

"is that ceiling really that interesting?" Bev asks me, I sit up and look at her, sitting up straight, I move to the spot right next to her so we can talk.

"I'm just distracted." I say looking out over the others, watching them as they watch the movie.

"It's just odd how Richie Trashmouth Tozier himself is not making jokes or annoying the group." she says, not taking her eyes off the movie, "Something definitely happened to you."

"Can we not talk about this right now?" I ask laying back down, and looking at the TV.

Beverly's POV:

Richie has been acting really weird and I will get to the bottom of it.
Stan is sleeping over at my house so I will talk to him about what he thinks it may be.

Stan and I walk down the street towards his house. I told my dad that I was staying the night at Richie's house.
My dad only allows me to stay at Richie's house because he is known all around town as the Derry Faggot. So my dad trusts that we won't do anything.

"So Stan..." I start to say as I slow down my walking speed. "Did you notice Richie acting weird at all during our hangout."

He sighs before stopping and looking up at the stars.
"He was acting a little odd. He was a lot less talkative today and just had his attention focused on the ceiling." He looks over at me "I think it has something to do with his father."

"What's wrong with his father?" I ask,

"Hes not a very nice man, whenever he and Richie get into fights he always quiets down and doesn't really talk or socialize. He doesn't like to talk about it with other people. I'm the only one hes told but I feel you should know about it too."

"Thanks for telling me Stan" I say.

He nods and continues walking down the sidewalk.

"By the way I have to leave somewhat early to go bird watching with Bill."

"Really Stan, we planned to hang out."

"Sorry Bev, he asked me if I wanted to go bird watching, and since he never really asks, I had to say yes."

"Ugh fine, you can go hang out with you boyfriend and abandon me."

I look over at Stan to see his face a bright red.
"Hes not my boyfriend Bev." He says so quietly that I can just barely hear him.

"What was that Stan? I couldn't hear you."

"Shut up Bev" He says as his face turns even pinker.

Eddie's POV:

I sit on the floor of Richie's room as we talk about school.

"Well I have to go" I say as I stand up and walk over to the bedroom door.

"Tell your mom that i'll see her later tonight." he says as I am about to leave.

"Beep Beep Richie" I say as I turn around to look at him


Words: 791

Authors Note: Again, another book, how many can I write?
I wrote this chapter a long time ago, but I don't think it's as bad as some of my other old stories, I didn't have to make any corrections.

I honestly forgot that I used slurs in this, so I'm not going to lie, when I read this I was surprised.
That does mean that the warnings were added by me as I read this.

I do remember my plan for this, so I will be able to continue this further than this one chapter.

Thank you for reading this far.

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